
She came forward in May 2014? It’s been two years already since this took off?

I always loved the story that JRR Tolkien wrote the Simarillion not with any intent to publish it, but to create a prequel/bible/mythology for Lord of the Rings that felt developed, palpable, deep, yet slightly out of reach. He had no intention of publishing it, but the act of writing gave him something to do as well

So much face palm

Regardless of your perceived value of these items, limited run print materials are surprisingly costly.

And a game. And several other limited-run print materials. Sounds about right for $111.

You thought a pip boy that costs $111 with a game and other goodies was fully functioning, standalone real?

My amazon delivery still says guaranteed by 8 PM, but its 7:30 and there hasn’t even been an update saying that it was shipped. I spent three weeks organizing a dog walker, project coverage, and some costly reschedules to take tomorrow off.

But will it be bushy?

mmm Apples or oranges? Fruit’s been around for years!

You are correct. I was 21 at the time. I grew up in the 80s watching star Wars on network TV, and saw Jedi in its theatrical run. Although you may not realize, for many weeks the heartbreak of watching episode 1 was tempered by massive amounts of denial (mixed with hope for improvement in the next two movies).

Accumulate! Accumulate!

Music is the name of the app on iPod touch. It replaced the standard music player interface when iPod abandoned the Wheel interface. The standard music player interface was the best, IMO, and if they made an emulator for it on the App store i’d pick it up in a second. Seriously.

The iPod’s original UX was vastly superior to the current iPod/iPhone’s music app. It was not a horrible user experience. If it was, well we wouldn't be having this conversation, as a post making fun of people who thought the iPod sucked in 2001 wouldn't exist

Well I wasn't really bragging, just saying I've been a jerk longer than most. But you evidently assumed that already :)

As someone who’s been in the “print is dead” camp way longer than most, I admit I’m biased. The idea of a woman changing Maxim to a more intellectual read is an exciting idea - merely because it’s a misogynistic shithole of a publication, and this wasn’t a radical opinion to have even in 1997 - but also it seems like

Why would a woman, ahem, why would anyone waste their time on a shitty lad mag from the 90s?

Who in the Sam hell gives a fuck about maxim in 2015?

Um, sorry, I have a real problem disagreeing with someone telling a Kardashian publicist to go to hell. Even if they are The Worst. The Kardashian’s publicist attempt to control this conversation is unrealistic.

He ran the once-top Hip Hop label “NO LIMIT” records, which peaked in the early aughts, and is mostly known for its utterly ridiculous clip art crappy-3D lettering driven cover artwork.