
I didn’t remember NV being that much better, in fact my initial feeling when completing it was NV was worse, but now I’m replaying FO3 and the VOICE ACTING is so TERRIBLE I can hardly speak to anyone. It’s pretty sad that the voice acting in a 2008 game (although admittedly VO has come a long way for console games

Sigh. Reddit has a lot of horrible people on it. But reddit is huge.

Agreed, although frankly Never Playing this game has done wonders to alleviate boredom for me!

Man I hate the stall. Hates it.

Love this article! Here are my best practices:

Torgersen’s opinion of red shirts sums up how fucking shallow both sides of this argument are. Can a straightforward narrative that is transporting be better than one with layered meaning and social commentary? Yes. Can the opposite be true? Yes. Can there be a blend of both? Yes.

This is a terrible illustration.

My favorite phenomenon in action! Dunning Kruger effect

Yup, as I admitted, it is a very problematic idea.

But this idea is problematic

It would be interesting if we could opt for work environments devoid of the gender we are attracted to. It would shift culpability of the issue to the attractor instead of the attractee- as well as acknowledge that some people cannot get work done without their sexual desires getting in he way, and that it was their

This is the strangest theory I’ve read all day. So convoluted and weird... Almost exotic in its cerebral self-consuming Moebius strip of logic. Well played in its sheer lunacy.

You do have a right to an opinion! Even when it sucks.

You kidding? I gotta bangin’ 80s-era Demi Moore lookalike sniper for New Vegas. I did it on PS3 and it’s long gone so, sorry, no pics, but just imagine it and you’d be halfway there. :D

For the record, I thought your post was funny.

Confirmation bias is a bitch, isn’t it?

Not familiar enough with the official account to think that Sony wouldn’t ever poke fun at themselves. But that’s me. Thanks for the clarification, @bcarr!

None of it seems ill-intended. Release dates slip. Games change. Projects fall apart. That’s the truth of how games are made. But war, war never changes.

Why am I reading this here and not on the front page of The Wall Street Journal? It’s a crazy mixed up world, that’s why.

Ha! I just started playing this too, except in the first five minutes I still hadn't figured out how to walk, so good on you!