
I think if sarah Silverman did a routine it would have had the same effect.

not sure, good question. Maybe she should have tried a comedy routine?

I wouldn't mix "music industry" nomenclature with "recording industry", although it's understandable. That latter term was once closely tied with the former, but not anymore.

I think we call that Dog Food.

they literally vaporize the moment you touch down at heathrow

oh look it's borderlands 2 but shinier.

We're only capable of describing things we are capable of observing.

Then again, is 3001 really classic enough that anyone's worried about ruining it?

Fingerprint technology has always made me nervous because a thief now has incentive to cut my fingers off when mugging me for my iphone.

I dont miss prodigy charging me an extra $70 because I used it over an hour in a single month.

I'm looking at you giant empty spot where a new thunderbolt should be.

Would t you have to mix in dell? Gateway? Compaq? The PC vs Mac business models were so different there really isn't an analogue to this chart on the PC side. Not even Microsoft.

is that what's worked for you?

not exactly. The biggest proponents of creationism in the US are Protestant sects, including baptists, pentacostals, etc.

Thank you for this.

Guys wouldn't be tryin this stuff if it didn't work at least once out of every two million times ;)

so, good place to ask, best ipad strategy games? I'm partial to FTL, although that's not exactly strategy.

Exactly - even to the point where if I recommend a completely unrelated movie, say, "Shadow of the Vampire", I sometimes get a look, followed by "...is it as good as Rubber?" /snicker

I have a cheaper model in this line, and it is fantastic, the difference between a YAMAHA and a comparably priced ONKYO is obvious, sonically.

I have a cheaper model in this line, and it is fantastic, the difference between a YAMAHA and a comparably priced

Big Trouble in Little China is a guaranteed crowd pleaser if you have house party thats hitting the wind-down a bit too early.