
This is an incredibly thoughtful review, I especially like the section about the Xbox's central role, and how the myriad of problematic details pile up once Microsoft started pushing integration/master-slave control of other devices. These issues may seem minor to the casual user, but once the causal user is staring

Stigmatizing people who dare to date outside their race is a reprihensible act, period. It is as clear as racist a thing can be.

Homewrecking is awesome because your precious relationship was a sham and you're incapable of accepting responsibility for the disaster that is your unfortunate cultural fantasy /strawman

It's true, your housecat would kill you if it was just a bit larger and fangier

They are like basketballs with buttons.

You're missing the point. In the eighties everyone on my block had these and no one got shot.

You're missing the point. In the eighties everyone on my block had these and no one got shot.

I MADE THAT SAME MISTAKE. ten year old logic.

Are you implying that Lucas was careless and irrational when crafting this film?

Is it weird that my only takeaway is "why is this guy getting so many flat tires?"

I'm not sure I've ever fielded a response to a three and a half year old comment, but, yeah, my opinion has changed over time.

That's the thing about nostalgia. Once you find it, the magic is gone

It isn't that scary.

It IS scary!

It is scary!

Since when is twerking race related?

Nothing makes me feel more like a dude than when I read that comment and immediately think it's something I'd find in Home Depot.

"making character deaths permanent" and "allowing players to become attached to characters that may die and never return" are two concepts the games industry has yet to fully grasp, all the while wondering why most of their output lacks the emotional involvement of their linear counterparts in film and literature.

This console generation's benefits over the previous are less obvious to the consumer than any previous generation prior. Specs are nice, but it will be interesting to see what decides the bet for the consumer.

But you also sound like a guy/gal who may have plenty other games to play during that time.