
I think it does

I agree that many games should have this feature, but I don't agree that you can't set aside time for certain games. Also, some games are so short but difficult that each attempt is only 1-20 minutes. Like Spelunky. Which has no save feature at all and is fucking punishing, and equally as awesome.

To be fair, I needed a haircut for an interview and the only place I could get in on short notice was an all-black salon, and they didn't do to great either. ;)

Quake II > Quake I IMHO.

They belong to us because we're a dominant species, that's how nature works

Can you imagine if it got loose into the feral cat population? Bye bye errant chihuahuas...

Yeah sister, this is a problem. You need to communicate, not investigate. My girlfriend had a big problem with my having friends who were exes. But she brought it up and we worked it out. Wasnt easy. But it's neccessary.

I don't know, it wasn't terrible.


Man I miss calling the weekly pre-recorded hotline and jumping for joy when one of my rando-obscure games got a hint. I still remember the hint for Ultima Exodus, a game none of my friends had, or wanted, really. I would plug a pair of headphones into the mic jack of a boom box and use that to record the weekly call.

Dammit, the distillation of language into fashionable euphemisms that are later legitimized by opportunistic dictionary editors literally pisses me off.

That is literally not true.

You shouldn't be paid to use computers if you don't know how they work.

She brought it to life "LITERALLY?" That would explain the rank, desperately self-conscious yet impeccably stylish sex tribbles that are always manifesting from my neighbors' magazine-stuffed mailbox and attacking the pets

That Rush is some BUCKAROO BONZAI shit right there

Actually I take that back, it is a terrible cover. It just lacks depth and effort...

Um WOW didnt expect the kick ass RATATAT cover , WHICH YOU didnt mention, for SHAME!

OK, that makes sense, genetic engineering for an environment is one thing, but eugenics to support some subjective belief of superior vs inferior traits is another.

Still sounds like racism to me. I'm hoping that's the developer's aim, not the result of a horribly misguiding and simplistic understanding of what constitutes racism.