
The Deer Hunter.

Completely garbage on Netscape Navigator 4

I think she's making a brave point. Combat does get boring in a lot of games, especially when the story actually gets interesting and the combat impedes the progress of that story at a rate that isn't interminable.

I can easily poach up to six eggs at once in a saucepan with about 2" of water and a little white vinegar, but want I want is that perfect "suspended in water" look that the reastaurant poached eggs have. How do they do that? It's almost a perfect egg shape when they serve it, no flat side, no ugly disc shape that the

Game Dev I think is the best, I've played 2-3 of these. There's a race car one that I found very tedious, but Game Dev I played non-stop for two days. It was great

I think the inclusion of non-sequiter imagery like this was brilliant. Even to this day, when I watch this movie, there's so much I forgot about because it doesn't fit and is never explained, like a nightmare, like a REAL nightmare.

Someone needs to post that clip from the Aeon Flux series where they all wear vibration belts to talk to each other.

Semantics. (reply about creating vs opening the market up). You could make a case that he created a new category, sub category, etc, but the end of the day you are arguing semantics.

I dunno, I thought the 3D special was pret-ty gay.

Exactly - for me, having a computer back then was a sure sign that no one would talk to you. And I had a computer...

"ever since I discovered LiveJournal in middle school,"... mmmm Thank you for making me feel a billion years old. I now will hate-read your posts with enthusiasm.

I hate to admit this, but I had a red '86 900 turbo that was red just like this one, with a tan leather interior, and thanks to an elderly couple who didn't look both ways when exiting a diner on a 40mph pike, totalled it, and it looked just like this when I dd it, minus the airbags. I was fine, gnarly seatbelt rash

Jobs was a nutcase. BUT either way, Schmidt was an Apple board member, and he decided to push his company out of the search business and compete with Apple in a market that Apple created. Think about it, if you were Jobs, you would be pissed too.

So what, this is the Tim & Eric approach to games? If so, YES. ABSOLUTELY YES.

I doubt anyone wearing a shirt as asinine as that one would be smart enough to take this advice.

A perfect question. But there *might* be an answer to it. Or not. But still! Unless you have something better to investigate...

"Bioexosuit"? Pardon me, but why does alien technology or alien life always have to "make sense" in films and books? Can't we be open minded enough that something may be so otherworldly that it defies human categorization or explanation? That's why I like Giger's art, because it creates a sense of "how can this

After watching Richard Hammond scream his way through an in-car commentary of the Zonda (over the deafening interior noise), I can't imagine wanting this thing anymore than wanting to wear three neon colored polos at once with the collars popped. I'd crash it into the first thing I saw.


I would expect that the balancing of these characters are specific to their versions of Soul Caliber, and each increase of the roster in new versions adds significant time and cost to maintain sai balance. But still, an all star version would be cool.