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I Guess Ultima: Exodus was ahead of its time.

I think you just described the plot of Asimov's Foundation

Please dont tell us about your mommy.

Solid points - it may be my memory, but when I read the original People article about Jim Henson's death, (something my sister kept for posterity, oddly), the story was told as if he had progressed ignoring healthcare professionals well beyond simple flu symptoms and was being heavily pressured by friends and family

There must be a connection. Between making amazing things happen by sheer force of will and thinking you can use that power on such intractable phenomena as cancer or other personal ailments that require concrete surgical efforts.

Thank you so much for writing this, this needed to be said. Profanity in games is almost always clumsy, but in this context that clumsiness translates as misogynistic, to the point of distraction.

zing! good one. I think it's just the filter on the camera shooting it, but your answer is way better. we need more answers like that.

Godwin's law, look it up. It's older than the world wide web, not a new way....not by any means!

You missed this guy. (From my facebook page).;

I was totally jumping from one surface to an elevated surface in 1990, so I should sue.

Which in itself was a ripoff of the original, which I'm pretty sure is DoodleJump.

Love the rip on Pitchfork. No apologies!

Keep playing, you'll get better

I think the gif is a joke, using exaggeration. But I'm no expert in gifs.

WOw this article reads a little more than defensive. I thought it was kind of funny showing a Nintendo fan not playing video games. Most of the jokes are bad, but a guy just rubbing himself with an NES made it for me. And it was short! Yay short!

Exactly. When I'm playing Battlefield Vietnam, everytime an NPC says "FUCK! Charlie's taken a GOD DAMN firebase!" my girlfriend makes fun of me. The "Fuck" sounds so self-conscious and weird it gets her giggling every time.

It's not cursing that sucks, its the substandard incorporation of said cursing that sucks. When I'm playing a game that has this problem (I'm fucking staring at you, Battlefield 2), it feels like the lines were all written without profanity, and then they passed the script to a five year old who proceeded to scrawl

In most games the "swearing" is clunky, forced, completely pointless and tone deaf, so I think this is an improvement.