
The iPhone 4S has the highest satisfaction rating of any iPhone released. So this is either a flame bate article, or millions of people are just really confused.

Maybe it's because I'm 25 (aka young, stupid, and naive), but all that old-school spirit and soul stuff just doesn't mean much to me. If someone comes along and beats out the establishment with a brand new design, I see that as being a lot more badass than a car that's well known because it's ancestor was in some race

Even when compared to a highly efficient diesel? And I really am asking, that wasn't a smartass comment. It seams like every time the debate comes up, someone can show a diesel variant that get's similar mileage.

I have this thing against judging people who are in situations I could never begin to relate with. I can guess how I would act and what I would do in the face of death, but at the end of the day that's one of those things that you just don't know until you're actually there. Maybe he was having trouble dealing with

Typically when someone retires they look forward to getting away from the grind, they worked hard and now they want to enjoy "life". That's the difference between a regular person and Steve Jobs. Even when facing imminent death, so imminent it forced him to step down as CEO, he still requested to be an employee. Apple

Oh man.. the memories are flooding back now. I was driving to Lake Powell a few years ago, and I was towing the boat so I was driving the truck. If you don't know how big the headlights are on those, take a second and find out. Anyways, I was driving at night so it was dark and out of the blue a huge Owl tried flying

The Galaxy S II wasn't released that long ago, and as "nomskull" pointed out, the Bionic and S II have better specs on paper.

The most used line by Android fans:

This article was about nothing?

Yeah! Good call man! That single fact takes every bit of validity out of that picture!!! Now none of those blatantly copied products mean anything!!

Is there a limit as to how many times you can post the exact same quote in the same thread of comments?

What's so surprising about that? "Might" means almost nothing. I "might" get in an accident when I drive home tonight, it's almost guaranteed that I won't, but still, I "might".

Everyone that's having problems just needs to keep in mind that this is the last update they'll ever perform this way. From here on out our phones will simply download delta updates while we slumber. Yay!

This seems kind of asinine to keep going back and forth on what boils down to nothing more than semantics, but again, Wikipedia only said that that the screen was "improved".

Only if they actually live in an LTE supported market, which most won't even 2 years from now. I imagine LTE won't be nearly as widespread as 3G is now for at least another 4-5 years.

You need to watch it again. They didn't say that every 4G phone can only do 14 Mbps, they simply gave a few specific examples of some phones that tout themselves as 4G that only do 14 Mbps down.

Who knows? Maybe they will. Maybe the only truly great products left in Apple's stables are the few that Steve Jobs personally had something to do with...

If you really believe that, look at Apple while Jobs was absent, then look at Apple when he came back.

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow

I'll be picking up a 4S, most likely on launch day, but I might wait until Christmas. I was hoping for a lot more, but at the end of the day, the 4S is going to be the best phone on the market. Period.