
An American of the present day reading his Sunday newspaper in a state of lazy collapse is one of the most perfect symbols of the triumph of quantity over quality that the world has yet seen.

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Not so much electro/dance, more electro ambient chill

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I went through an electro music phase in high school. You'll probably like this stuff if you like Chromeo.

Everyone keeps on bringing up the lack of Windows 2000, but it was never for "mass consumption". The only systems that ever ran it were servers and the like. I think they were simply trying to show the most popular, commonly used OS's.

Every woman to ever come on to me while on the job has never been that good looking, so I've never taken advantage of the situation, but I'll admit full-heartedly that going into some lonely housewives home and hooking up with her is still written, in ink, on my bucket list.

Laying down thick, hard, black cable is just erotic to some I guess.

I do on-site computer repair and consulting.

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Finally!! I finally have an excuse to link to one of these videos.. Ok it took me a while to choose just one, but I highly recommend staying a while and watching all the related videos as well..

I'm a die hard iOS user, but I absolutely love Windows 8. Why, you may ask? Well it certainly isn't because I genuinely see myself choosing whatever Windows 8 tablet is launching in a year or so from now over the newest iPad at the time, no it's not that at all, I love Windows 8 for an entirely different reason. The

Ever tried talking while eating and launched a piece of food 3 feet across the room?

How exactly did you get a star with jerkoff comments like that? Chill out man. Go ahead and repeat, yet again, what others already have pointed out and explain the difference between the two, but leave the pointless personal attacks out of it.

For the record, the only thing more annoying than a rabid fanboy, is a rabid anti-fanboy. Whether it's blind hatred, or blind lust, it's blind. And annoying.

Not counting the cables. Ha.

It's a pretty cool screen. It's made from this materiel that's acoustically invisible so it doesn't mess with the sound traveling throughout the room and reflect it in any way. I'm out of town or I'd walk downstairs and check out the brand. The screen was by far the least expensive component in the room. I think it

It's from a company called ProjectionDesign. You most likely haven't heard of them, they typically cater to "professional " installations and are considered to be somewhat of a "boutique brand". They're amazing though. When you buy a projector from them it's like being adopted into the family. Our "consultant" took

Don't think that I don't appreciate high-quality audio equipment. Obviously there's a difference between the extremely low-end crap and the high-quality stuff. There's over $35k of speakers in our home theatre, and I hear the difference between our setup and the lame in-wall speakers I see creeping into so many home

Fuck. We just re-did our home theatre and spent over $25k on the new projector. Knowing we could have had a 4k projector for less than that kind-of-really-sucks.

I've been a happier person ever since I saw the first article about these, but this post just ruined that.