
Blogs cover what people want to see. Apple stories always receive a lot of attention, even the insignificant ones about the differences between Verizon's iPhone 4 and AT&T's. That's just fact.

I've never seen someone disregard the proper use of "too" and "to" so blatantly in my entire life, and I hope I never do again.


People that stab random people?

As much as I hate to do it, I have to side with the douche bag on this one. You can't just go around poking complete strangers.

Ba dum tssshhh!

Yeah, the point is that they both use USB connectors. F'ckn idiot.

Are you really defending your dickishry?

I get what you're saying, but it's not like this tip from Mr. Random is anything but exactly what everyone is expecting. If it said, "hey I work for AT&T and we can't take a vacation tomorrow so expect an iPhone announcement", then you could ignore it, but late September has already been pegged as a release date.

I just can't imagine an iPad 3 so soon. The iPad 2 came out less than a year after the first one, and another release this soon wouldn't be "Apple". Beyond all of that though, they simply don't need to. The iPad isn't just dominating right now, it's running around hunting the other tablets, scalping them, and wearing

It's a little bit scary how defensive so many of you are towards Gmail and Google in general. Google has done some pretty cool things but at the end of the day they're a company for the same exact reason that every other company exists for, making money. Period.

Hotmail does actually offer a lot of the same features as Gmail, but that's more than likely only because Gmail offered them first, forcing Hotmail to compete.

I live in a small southern Utah city and I have 60 Mbps internet with an option to go to 100 Mbps.

Funny to see this article today of all days. The cable guys literally just barely left after upgrading our 20 Mbps connection up to a 60 Mbps connection. They have a 100 Mbps option but it's $200.00 a month :( $100.00 a month for 60 Mbps was hard enough to rationalize.

I just fnished setting up a new MacBook Air for a client and at first it seemed crazy, but when I switched to the old way I literally couldn't grasp it for like 20 seconds.

I know I'm almost a week late to actually read this story and comment on it, but whatever.

Ha, yeah. If anything, even a "knockoff" Apple store in China might even have an easier time acquiring the parts to perform repairs.

Think before you post. I still haven't seen a similarly spec'd laptop from any manufacturer that's even equal in price, let alone noticeably cheaper. I remember when Dell released it's competitor to the Air a while ago and it was way more expensive, and less capable. they eventually had to pull it from their lineup

Come on Giz.. This is probably the most blatant at attempt at starting a flame war.

This just isn't true. Compare subscribers to subscribers.