
Butt-hurt much?

Cool. I was way into scouts... then.. I just kind of dropped it. Props.

Something like that happened to me a couple months ago, except no cars ever started coming in the opposite direction. I waited for my lane to allow passing, put my blinker one 3 seconds before I even started moving, cleared the truck in front of me by several car lengths, and when I got in front of him, he put his

Haha.. trust me "AngryBeaver", you don't want to get into an iOS VS RIM debate. I might have to bring up RIM's average customer satisfaction rating for their phones. Ok, you talked me into it, RIM has an average customer satisfaction rating of just 44%. Ha! 44%! That's pathetic! I'm pretty sure the average

I just laughed so hard it was actually "out loud".. Someone should make an abbreviation to represent that.

Oh come on.. You're just hate mongering against the UAW.. You just don't care about the common man.. "No one" gets fired for incompetence? Ha! So you're telling me that if some employee put a heat lamp too close to one of the most expensive models a company makes, it didn't just damage it but actually set it on fire,

I guess I can see how you would make the mistake seeing as how it was a comment made under a post about that particular guy, but i wasn't referring to him at all. I'm saying in that particular case, it's at least worth a shot.

That's awesome. Thanks for commenting!

Good lord.. that's somehow actually worse. Those "rivets" look completely out of place.

So here's my semi-related story. This happened on the 11th of this month, a Friday, as I was driving home, about 1 mile from my house. For anyone that cares I was in my BMW 335i. I live in a relatively small town and I have the roads, especially the ones close to my house, memorized like the back of my hand. I was on

...and he could have dodged you for YEARS. People have this idea that if they take someone to small claims court and win a judgment that they're all done with the ordeal and the other person has to pay up right away. Sadly this is totally wrong. The worst case scenario is that you deal with someone that has no job or


You're 100% correct. You're totally in the right and the guy hitting you is going to be 100% responsible for the accident..

Yeah, well, WHATEVER! I don't have any legitimate points to make so I'm just going to call you a troll.. And if that doesn't work I'm going to bring out the big guns and call you... A FANBOY!!!

Hahahaha.. are you really defending Android by comparing it to PC gaming??

Yeah, I'm sure Epic is uninformed.

I want to be marked down right now as a 100% disbeliever in this rumor. There's just no way Apple will put off releasing the iPhone 5 in such a ridiculously competitive marketplace. Why would Apple even need that much time for the iPhone 5? It's already pretty well excepted that it's going to have the same basic build

You sound exactly like me about 2 years ago sans 1 inch plus about 5-10 lbs. I was always way too skinny and I hated it. I tried so hard my entire life to gain weight and it seemed like the more I ate, the more i stoked up my metabolism and ended up losing weight in the long run. I seriously had a mutant metabolism, I

Chips are like miracle workers... Not only do they drastically increase power, they actually decrease fuel consumption.

I'm not training for MMA or anything, but I literally just started getting back into lifting again. I did upper chest yesterday and I've had a hell of a time trying to drive today. Moving the steering wheel is a pain in the ass.. well technically it's a pain in the chest.. It's always hard for me to gauge how hard to