
You or I having a sense of humor while we make dumbass comments on a tech blog? Naw.. that's not pompous or inappropriate.

At least make an effort to comprehend what I'm saying.

Computers are getting smaller and smaller. Laptops don't just have the potential to replace desktop computers, they already have. Laptops have outsold desktops for the past few years and that trend is only going to continue.

Haha.. ok first of all, are you honestly implying that television didn't replace radio? Because cars still have radios in them?? REALLY? I guess it's safe to say that horse and buggy's weren't replaced by cars because the Amish and others still use them, as well. Oooh, or that LCD displays didn't replace CRT monitors

You know a proposed idea is either incredibly awful or incredibly great when people genuinely don't know whether or not it's a part of April Fools Day..

What is this "Zune" you speak of?

People said the same thing about television replacing radio, the mouse being used to control computers, CD's replacing floppy's, and internet shopping taking over traditional brick and mortar shopping, or hell, the internet becoming anything more than just a hobby project.

Damn... I was just ring shopping (with my now ex) at Tiffany's a few months ago, and a ring like the one in the picture is ridiculously expensive. If the pictured ring is designer, (and the diamonds are actually diamonds) the cost of the iPad would have been negligible at best.

A Mac-loving girlfriend sounds like a hot, college aged girl...

Because a mouse is a mouse is a mouse... Unless your mouse has multi-touch capabilities.

They didn't screw anyone over. Everyone who bought the phone before the price decrease, including me, got a full refund of the difference via an Apple gift card. Very few companies will treat their customers that well.

Haha, that's the first thing I thought of..

Just to remind everyone that has an LCD, yet misses the idiosyncrasies of a CRT, that Cathode exists - just for you. It makes your LCD look like an old school terminal, and you can even "degrade" the image and make it flicker and tweak out in other ways.

I get what he means. LA to China is generally considered "on the other side of the world", and New York to LA is just about exactly half of that distance. Yes I know "half way around the world" is technically the distance from LA to China, because if you go the same distance again you've gone around the world,

Ha, I just saw her in another ad last night. I already thought T-Mobile were the biggest hypocrites in the world for calling their 3G network technology "4G", but they managed to top that by selling out to the very network they've been calling out for the last few months. Haha.. What's the next ad going to look like?

Who the hell refers to them self as a "professional"? And I'd keep the fact away from your clients that mommy pays for big boys cell phone - it might not look too professional in their eyes.

My name is Befitzero! And I like to use exclamation points! Sometimes even two of them!! It makes me sound kind of dense! Like I shout everything I say!!! I also enjoy likening things to butt play! And thoroughly enjoy any joke that can fit in Astro Glide! Get it! i said "fit in"! Hahaha!!!

I'm having a really hard time understanding this argument.. I've read the same general comment from at least a few people now.

Yeah for sure! Because the government is widely known for handling complex, technical issues with grace, intelligence, and speed!

Umm.. Doesn't AT&T offer a relatively inexpensive data-only plan with no contracts for tablets, specifically the iPad?