
I'm a big free market, capitalism rules, kind of guy so I have a hard time seeing why people don't like the "no child left behind" philosophy if they actually think about it.

That's the name of the post because that's the quote from All Things D.

While I appreciate the super-original joke - I mean seriously, I've NEVER heard that one before...

I have a feeling you didn't grasp this post - AT ALL.

As a iPhone user, I'm actually really disappointed in how poorly the netbook ability turned out. I was hoping for a kickass experience that put everyone, including Apple, on notice so we could see similar functionality in more devices. It seems like it turned out to be a working example of why Apple doesn't implement

I thought he made this pretty clear. It's an Android phone. Period. It's not THAT much different than the other similarly spec'd Android devices out right now, so why waist the e-ink talking about aspects that aren't new in any way. I think it would even be somewhat difficult testing the hardware prowess of the device

Beat me to it. Exactly what I was going to say. The more parts they can order in bulk, the cheaper the parts are, and in turn, the computers themselves.

For anyone else interested in doing what crazypills77 is talking about, MCE makes an AWESOME product for accomplishing this very thing. It's only $99, gives you everything to remove your optical drive and replace it with a hard drive (SSD or standard), and just to ice the cake they include a USB enclosure for the

Really? I can't even think of another tablet in the same league of the iPad that's been "available for years". Which tablets am I missing??

It's an hour and a half superhero action movie. It doesn't take itself too seriously, doesn't drag the story along, and accomplishes exactly what it set out to do: entertain the audience. I went in with pretty low expectations - if I'm honest I didn't even expect to stay for the whole thing, but I was totally blown

I saw "I Am Number Four" last night and it was awesome. They didn't drag out the story, and it didn't pretend to be anything it wasn't. It was just a great hour and a half "superhero" type action movie. Solid acting all around, awesome special effects, and perfect pacing. I love how it didn't try to change the world

Of course some things like previz and storyboards have to be "created" elsewhere, but like he plainly states, he "makes his shot list on there". He might not have written the script on there, but he easily could have with the virtual or bluetooth keyboard. And it would be really easy to make notes on anything.

How someone as ignorant to reality could live so long absolutely amazes me.

It's kind of funny how everyone thinks that how it went down. It actually went in the complete opposite order. In reality, they iPhone is just a small iPad. If you read up on the initial development of the iPhone/iPad/iTouch, Apple started out creating the iPad first. Jobs always loved the futuristic idea of holding a

That's exactly why I've been afraid that other manufacturers won't be able to compete with the iPad on price unless they build a SUPER cheap tablet that people wouldn't like anyways.

I haven't actually dicked around on newegg.com for a few months, but I imagine things haven't changed too much. You're gonna have to spend $150 on a video card if you want to actually play any modern games at a decent frame rate, $75 is about the cheapest mobo you'd want to run, along with another $75 for a

Unlike the devices from other manufacturers that are meant to deposit money into the CUSTOMERS pocket.

Oh yeah, the Notion Ink Adam. GREAT example. The Android tablet that doesn't run Honeycomb, and probably won't anytime soon considering how massivly overhauled the custom skin is. This is how Engadget wrapped up their review of it: "...the Eden UI does seem confusing to us and the software isn't completely finished in

Thank. GOD. When I read the initial reports it almost sounded like Apple was putting priority into developing the "mini iPhone", and putting the regular model on the proverbial back-burner. At a time when new Android handsets are introduced every month, WebOS is back in the game, and Microsoft has the first legit

Oh, that's awesome. I don't think I'd do well as an actual engineer on the team, but I'd love to watch how everything is done.