
It was real, shit hit the fan for the producers since the outcome of it wasn’t planned. As far fights went in the show, Junior was never supposed to be fired, since their contract with Velocity specified that both parties had to be in for the show to be aired. When Senior fired junior it created a breach of contract

Add in the younger brother who, while a nice guy, had major issues and wigged out for a bit.

This sums it up perfectly.

No, it was not. The family was really dysfunctional. Junior sued his father other this. They barely talked to each other in the next ten years. One of his old colleague also sued the father for some other story. Many show goes for fake drama, but this was real. The bikes were really cool but the many, MANY, disputes

Crossovers are getting car levels of MPG and they have option of rolling out electrics/hybrids easily enough.

Methinks your protestations are about something different...

A recession would be blamed on the “Libtard Dummycrats” even though Conservative Republicans control all branches of government when it happens.

Or! Shows could start earlier, like around 7 instead of 9. I am a working musician that plays gigs at least once a month, and both rules of etiquette and the desire to be paid dictates that I stay all the way to the end of the night (usually 2 AM) every time I play a show, even if I’m not part of the headliner.

And I was using it as a way to bash on Summit Place Kia. I wish that jingle would get out of my head.

seems like a common sense thing that they would do (so as not to have competing systems fighting each other) but thank you for digging into it so we know for sure.

Agree. You can learn on anything pretty quick. Here’s a full proof method: after getting in the car and turning it on, push clutch pedal down, shift into 1st, and excruciatingly slowly let clutch pedal up until the car starts inching forward, then continue releasing it until you’re rolling. Then push it in, shift to

Takes 1 hour to learn, half a day to become fluid. It’s no rocket science.

2005 Fresh out of school, 21 years old great paying job. Pontiac just introduced the 6.0L GTO’s. I was at the desk ready to sign on a blue one with a 6-speed. Decided to sleep on it. Decided my commute was long and I might not want to drive a stick.

Is it possible to find any manufacturer with an uglier lineup than Subaru? It seems things aren’t better in their Japanese lineup either.

Look, I love manuals. But “slushbox” hasn’t been an accurate description for an automatic since the Spice Girls were hot.

Imagine if the Wright brother’s never strayed from bicycles...

Fuck this constant anti-Uber rhetoric. Usually I don’t bother to comment but this is quite ridiculous. Yes, someone died. That is unfortunate, and steps should be taken to prevent that but this is progress in the real world. You make it seem like that never happens in other industries: aerospace, rail, construction...

just another revenue stream for these companies.

Good luck stopping the future, mate.

I recognize this may get buried here, as it goes against the prevailing point of view, but I want to provide a counterpoint.