
Wait, if these are half-assed, but the modification gives them more ass than usual, does that mean that done correctly they’d have triple ass? Instead of donks, would they be badonkadonks?

Yup, that’s a classic.  

Absolutely savage burn for the time! No wonder they kept censoring and rewriting his lyrics for the 60s TV show That Was The Week That Was”, where he was resident songwriter, but was never allowed to perform the songs himself.

I’d be curious to know your opinion on the enormous amount of art and literature commissioned by the Catholic church while they were busy trying to commit genocide on Muslims. Or the pyramids, which were literally built by slave labor.

Yeah, it’s a difficult conundrum. During WWII, Von Braun enthusiastically came up with the V-2 (V is for retribution or vengeance against the UK), and he turned a blind eye to the use of slave labor to supply his prototypes. He defended himself by saying any patriot would have done the same if their country was at

No. I didn’t, because I don’t give a shit. lol. It’s a rock. The difference is that is college and I sort of get that for them. That’s what college is for. Trying out new ideas and feelings and such for the first time.


I’m pretty sure a large portion of modern supercars end up in the collections of corrupt despots and evil human rights abusers. Sadly the world hasn’t changed much. Even motor ‘sport’, that the Nazis liked to promote, gets into burnishing the images of some awful states with events in places like Dubai and Saudi Arabia

I think the angle of attack from Raph could be a little more nuanced. Objectively, it’s a gorgeous car and a well done restoration.

The problem with it comes down to all the “lore” that is attached to it by the people who are doing the showing and collecting. Regardless of whether or not it can be proven it was a

Practically the entire 1920s Italian artistic scene – certainly the architectural realm – is inextricably linked to the Mussolini administration. Partisan artists did eventually leave their own mark, but Futurism is brutally tied up in the politics of the day. I’ve never heard of a museum, academy, or curator casting

So the kids are cancelling 90 year old cars now? A fucking car?

I’m genuinely confused about this article, and the point it’s making.

Ok Raph, this article is complete trash and I think you know it. First, there is really no proof that this particular car has any Hitler connection. Second, if you really want to throw this car to the dustbin of history at least be consistent. We have many other automotive and non-automotive subjects to cancel. IBM,

This “article” is such a dumpster fire I don’t even know where to start, so I won’t even try. Just...wow.

Don’t you own a Nazi-designed Beetle?

I'd hardly consider it a homicide when an idiot kid decides to walk on a hot racetrack towards the cars on track and gets clocked when he gets too close to one. If anything, that's suicide more than murder.

That part is known. The question is, whose mistress?

Not going to lie, and say what you will, but I used a service before the latest update came out. Cost me $5, got me 970 Million dollars. New update has been fun, but if I hadn’t done that I wouldn’t have continued playing with my small group of friends. The guy is still around and providing the service (believe he

*Walks up to podium.*

God I remember thinking how cool a multiplayer GTA would be so many years ago; only to be treated to a game that just wants to waste your time.