
Both Hitlers personal Mercedes SSK still lives today in the hands of a collector in Canada if memory serves me right/or if it hasn’t changed owners since. Saddams Mercedes is in the Peterson Museum.

Nope. The ultra rich don’t need to worry themselves about such matters. War is barely even an inconvenience to them. In fact it’s probably something they can get richer off of. The rich will cozy up to whoever is winning and thanks to their money and influence they can switch sides at any time if they see the one they

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Let’s take a moment to remember the venerable Tom Lehrer:

Should we crush it because it has/had asshole owners or was produced/bankrolled by dickwads? That’d show them!

Last days of old tech is always better than the first days of new tech. Give it another few years and everyone will be wondering why the hell gasoline caught on in the first place.

Guns aren’t necessarily hard to get anywhere in Europe. It’s much like drivers licenses in Europe vs. US. In US you just have to fog a mirror to get either. In Europe you need to demonstrate some, though not a lot of, qualification to get them.

Murdering your soon to be ex wife and her new partner.

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Some of these old (Old fashioned?) car will bring many a truck to shame.

You’re not wrong. They make fun sleepers! A friend of mine has this little beauty with a warmed over 5.0 from a later Mustang and a 5-speed.

There’s a reason why Plymouth offered a matching trailer from the factory, but even that doesn’t have much space.

Of what period? Not the period in which it was made. Not today. The car itself is barely creeping towards classic status rather than just being embarrassingly dated. With those mods they’ve somehow managed to make it even more dated than a stock example ever was.

No other mass communication device brings all the worst sides of humanity like Twitter. That first, most times dumb, knee-jerk reaction to something people hear or see is usually what they broadcast there. If only there was a 1 minute timer from the time you press send to it actually getting posted Twitter would be

I personally don’t blame you for it. I would too if I hadn’t been playing in the early days where you could exploit game mechanics to make 100x the money you would normally for each mission.
Three of my friends used that service so we could play the good missions together rather than spend the next year or so grinding

The timing belt is on the transmission side of these engines, which means you replace as many wear items as you can while the engine is out anyway. The added cost of those parts is negligible compared to the cost/time of doing the prep work for replacing them.
Someone is about to find out what premium car maintenance

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I have Dirt: Showdown and I gotta admit I was a little bit disappointed by both the car physics and damage physics.

This may not be a kosher topic around here, but there are 3rd parties that will get you however much money and xp you desire for less than half the price of a shark card. Three of my friends used that service when they picked up GTAV. As far as I’m aware they are not banned yet, but they haven’t played since Casino

Greetings fellow “I haven’t played GTA:O since before heists were a thing” player!
I played it from release and I saw the heist update come in, saw the prices for new properties ($2mill-25mill), looked at what I’d be making doing missions ($3-5k per mission) and figured “fuck this”. If I hadn’t been exploiting their

GTA:O is an everlasting grindfest made easier by the fact you can just buy ingame currency for real money to buy whatever you want. Not sure about the tuner stuff, but I’m sure there are ways to buy yourself the rep you need or at least items/properties that allow you to speed up the leveling. R* does not release new

I got all of them from Carma 2 and up, working on Win10, on the Steam store.

I guess he just learned that $2 million isn’t really that much money. Specially when they are “worth” it in assets rather than that they have that kind of cash laying around to spend at any given time.