
I kind of feel like any montage they could have made would have been a let-down. We know the basics of what she’s seeing (happier times in her life), but the details are best left to the imagination.

Yeah, I just.....I don’t get that criticism in the least. 

Agreed. Sometimes the best answer is one left to the imagination. It’s like “Groundhog Day” removing the reason why Phil was trapped in a time loop.

Literally the entire episode’s thesis?

“Surely the scene where Sylvie shows Hunter B-15 memories of her past life was meant to be a flashback montage, not just two women standing in a rainy parking lot.”

That scene worked for me. We didn’t need to see. In fact, I think the lack of flashback made it easier for viewers to put themselves in B-15's place.

* For a moment at the beginning of the show, I thought the writers had taken the bold step of killing off both Loki and Sylvie, pulling a young Loki out of the timeline to start over.

Thank god there are more of us, because this review was depressing me, and I didn’t even bother with the comments that did nothing but complain. This show is really working for me, and maybe it is because I’m not taking it too seriously, but also, like, it’s entertaining? Really entertaining? Tom Hiddleston is just

Magic is blocked in the TVA

Oh yeah, I read those comments too and every Monday I’m like, well...I was entertained.

Sure, maybe Mobius is a Loki variant. He’s extremely sympathetic to Loki, while simultaneously also being utterly fed up with Loki’s nonsense. But what if ... that actually means he’s a Thor variant?

(Bonus points if that’s true and his version of Loki is played by Luke Wilson.)

The main disconnect is that Loki wants to be a show full of twists, turns, and shocking reveals, but the writing isn’t clever enough to actually pull off that sense of mischievous fun.

“I don't see a problem here" -- Christopher Nolan

Yeah, I think that response was in and of itself “the answer”, effectively so.

So in addition to the question of “Who created the TVA?” we also have the question of “What brought Sylvie to the TVA’s attention in the first place?”

Some fair criticisms, but this one:

Surely the scene where Sylvie shows Hunter B-15 memories of her past life was meant to be a flashback montage, not just two women standing in a rainy parking lot”

Not to defend the show, which I have similar problems with, but Mobius does mention a “magnified Nexus threshold” to explain how they could now find them in an apocalypse.

You are a buzzkill! AND a long winded gasbag. It’s a TV show about Loki. It’s a TV show!

I don’t know if it was just me, but I found the Time Keepers virtually impossible to understand without captions on.”

The most interesting idea in “The Nexus Event” comes right at the beginning, as Loki tries to comfort Sylvie as asteroids hurtle towards them: The thing that makes a Loki a Loki isn’t a godly sense of entitlement or even a trickster’s mischievous, it’s that they always manage to survive, no matter how many times