“Busted RV” doesn’t have the same ring to it.
“Busted RV” doesn’t have the same ring to it.
As a Rangers fan, I have no sympathy. They’ve had a team for barely 20 years and they’ve already won two World Series. We’ve waited 45+ and are not going back any time soon
Jeter bringing those red-hot negotiating skills to bear on Marlins Man
November 6, 2018.
Now he’s gonna scatter his chew toys all over the place and harass the cat.
Honestly if he had just put one of those therapy dog vests on Brady nobody probably would have said anything. It’s not like they check. And it’s way better than crating him.
Well, that may be, but I guarantee you that there is a certain 1% who think it’s TOTALLY. FUCKING. AWESOME. So that seems fair. There will be feelings on both sides, people, both sides.
Man, it’s just creepy when someone has some kind of guru that must always be at their side at all times.
I’m in Virginia, so...
I can’t wait to see how Trump pins the impending stock market collapse on Obama or Democrats. The stock market is hitting new highs at a record pace, yet most Republicans and Trump will be “shocked” when it inevitably collapses again. Anyone who is at or close to retirement age now should be moving money around now…
We gotta examine the quality of the bud vs. the price before any praises are sung.
This woman is doing god’s work and y’all are mad at her.
“Why won’t anyone date a nice guy like me!!!????”. There, fixed it, LOL
In this hell of a modern economy where getting on the property ladder is increasingly impossible for anyone not already born to the landed gentry, and given that maybe valuing something other than economic independence might not be the worst thing ever in a culture, can we finally lay “lol u live with your mom” to…
“bullshit diversity”
Nothing wrong with porn.
Isn’t that literally the argument against any critique of any movie made by a white man on jezebel though?
I get that the internet exists so every dipshit can broadcast their opinion, but literally what is the point of ragging on a movie that you aren’t interested in based on a 2 minute trailer. Does it fill your cold, cold heart with joy? Do you think that Sandra Bullock and her gazillion dollars gives a shit what you…