Kyle Grease

Why would he? He’s already fucked her and the rest of the internet-using world (save for the telecom CEOs who are giddy over all this).

>>Formula E runs mostly on street circuits because they want to bring their races in to the people<<

I want a race with that name now.

The Financial Fiasco Formula Race. Presented by Goldman Sachs, Fanny Mae, Merrill Lynch, AIG...

Canadian money isn’t real money.

It is my honest hope that the lawsuits against the FCC’s actions in this matter result in federal corruption charges being levied against Ahshithead Paihole (and that he’s found guilty and sent to prison for a long, long time).

Cocaine-fuelled boat rides not included.

I’d love to live life with the same sense of optimism possessed by the planner who decided they needed that many chairs.

You, sir or mam, are a pussy. It’s been a year since Trump has been elected and what does he have to show for it??? Not very much, even with control of all three branches. A lot of it has to do with how vocal people are being and speaking up, not sitting down. Don’t give up. There’s more elections in the future. We

FYI, the “Democrat Party” is nomenclature traditionally used by conservatives to disparage and defame the DemocratIC Party. It’s a “wink wink nudge nudge” dog whistle to their base, similar to knowingly adding an extra R to “Barrack HUSSEIN Obama”. They’ve admitted as much - it’s trolling, pure and simple. You’ll have

More like Marlin Way-OUTs, am I right?

This is turning into the plot of “Major League.” Pretty soon, Jeter and the Las Vegas showgirl owner are going to take away the team plane and make them travel on a rickety old bus.

Maybe they should cut bait then, and ask Captain Derek for a refund on the charter.

“No, don’t!”

Because it’s the Browns. Go ahead and show the stadiums where the winning teams are.

The large white guy in a kimono definitely won’t stand out.

Just when I thought people can’t get any dumber, stupider or whatever lack of intelligence word you would like to use; the human being continues to amaze me. The 0-and-whatever record, the dumpster fire front office and the felonious owner has absolutely nothing to do with the attendance. Absolutely nothing I say.

If Trump is unpopular, why does his Christmas tree lighting look like this?

What Mitchell forgets is that the Browns have always been tired of winning.

I thought that was the inauguration crowd. My mistake.

If this dish is impossible to fuck up, I want to know what literally every single low-to-mid range Italian restaurant thinks they're doing.