Kyle Grease

I question how much autonomy they have in the decision making process.

There’s also the alt-right trying to stick it to “A-rabs.”


This is what happens when you’re a reality tv star. You open yourself up to shit. And I think it’s less about race than so exposure on Bravo. Don’t @ me. I’m not looking for a discussion.

oh my god, i’m sure the trans people would’ve rolled the election somehow

The old man doesn’t even have a fucking frame of reference. He was only alive in the 1950's.

I’m sure the kid’s homeschooling will go great.

They’re not going to put high rises there, man. But they should probably protect the land in NY that is not developed, just for the fucking sake of it.

Errr, ZONING! No, that’s not right...

you subservient piece of rat shit. you’ll roast in hell with your buddy, art briles.

You must be fucking retarded. We don’t want him to just lease the land to some fucking mining companies so it can be shat on and left for dead. Rather, all U.S. citizens can come and enjoy it. You are retarded. Retard. Dumb. Die.


Do tell.

LOL @ blakkguy

The middle one isn’t NBA material. He just fucked him out of a degree from a great school.

Go chew on your mouth guard in peace, shit head.

Victimology of Blackness

Why would anyone, even the original, resurrect this godawful kinja account? And everything you say will likely be untrue. As if China needed a fucking lesson on imprisonment from the U.S. government.

Maybe as it relate to how Netflix handled it, but everyone seems to be going down in flames regardless of who the victims are.

Yeah, if your client admits he killed a guy, then you still have to try and get him off the hook, even if that just means persuading him to take a plea deal. You don’t just get to blurt out that he did it. That’s just privilege. You make a great point about not misrepresenting facts before the court. It’s the ones who