Kyle Grease

This is a good thought for the young daughter who lives with you, and you know her friends. But if it happened at college or work in a different city? Or if she was too ashamed to tell you because she internalized the blame? I get where you’re coming from, Marty.

Torches! Pitch forks! Get that young woman!

Can someone sell me a flip phone?

The NFL set themselves up for it by caring about domestic violence, breast cancer, and veterans. And it’s all about branding. I would prefer if the NFL quietly did all this stuff on the side, like normal community service. I guarantee the marketing budget for all these things is bigger than the money going to the

Please post more information.

Sex addiction? Not a thing. It’s just not. It just means you got busted.

I think the part where you say that the “U.S. medical establishment finally saw the light” also sheds light on part of the problem. Prescriptions were tightened after this, forcing addicts to find opium in street drugs.

They could control it if they legalized it. And that has little to do with opioid addicts.

I think the thing to take issue here is the ‘secret button.’ Not locks generally.

The public is making up excuses for why they don’t like the on-screen product.

He black.

WORLD STAR!!!! @lolblackpeople

Poorly said.

+3 instagram burners

It’s unethical for one man to control that much wealth.

Good job, monkeys!

Climate change from the 1800s is not to be confused with the Anthropocene Extinction event that we’re all about to experience. This is clickbait and you know it.

No, my family celebrates Thanksgiving by desecrating Indian graves and drinking chicken broth out of the skulls of Geronimo and his kin.


You know how to hug people, right? Gently, to the side, don’t grab any genitals.