Kyle Grease

Brilliant solution. Then get sued for discriminatory hiring practices.

I can’t wait to be a subject in the experiments run by our corporate overlords.

Ya, I don’t have power over peoples jobs, lives, or careers. So, I’m not pulling this shit.

Zing!!! on the Turkey!

Cowboys fan. Auto vote Jerry. Especially after this season. And the 22 seasons with one playoff win.

I don’t believe the American Experiment has failed. Don’t @ me.

He pays strippers.

Now playing

That’s rocking. I thought you’d go King Diamond.

Art Briles connection?

If his administration accidentally does something right, like not repeal Obamacare, or fails to repeal tax cuts, or blocks corporate consolidation out of spite, I’ll take it. It’s not like blocking a merger will be celebrated by the “baby murder” crowd.

He doesn’t need my help.


First of all, that illiterate jabroney didn’t write the apology. Second, it’s no surprise that Mr. “Fuck that Pussy” Crab Leg Thief is a shit head. SIX GAMES OR MORE! FUCK YOU!

I generally don’t talk to black people. The old ones seem incredibly disgruntled. The young ones are trying to show off their boxers.

Dear Black Folks,

Eat the fucking leg, dipshit.

Hopefully we can get a candidate under the age of 70 to run.

Please massa, no moe ole people.

Dear Working Class Whites,