Kyle Grease

This is what happens when you’re a reality tv star. You open yourself up to shit. And I think it’s less about race than so exposure on Bravo. Don’t @ me. I’m not looking for a discussion.

oh my god, i’m sure the trans people would’ve rolled the election somehow

The old man doesn’t even have a fucking frame of reference. He was only alive in the 1950's.

I’m sure the kid’s homeschooling will go great.


Do tell.

LOL @ blakkguy

The middle one isn’t NBA material. He just fucked him out of a degree from a great school.

Go chew on your mouth guard in peace, shit head.

Victimology of Blackness

Why would anyone, even the original, resurrect this godawful kinja account? And everything you say will likely be untrue. As if China needed a fucking lesson on imprisonment from the U.S. government.

Maybe as it relate to how Netflix handled it, but everyone seems to be going down in flames regardless of who the victims are.

Yeah, if your client admits he killed a guy, then you still have to try and get him off the hook, even if that just means persuading him to take a plea deal. You don’t just get to blurt out that he did it. That’s just privilege. You make a great point about not misrepresenting facts before the court. It’s the ones who

This is a good thought for the young daughter who lives with you, and you know her friends. But if it happened at college or work in a different city? Or if she was too ashamed to tell you because she internalized the blame? I get where you’re coming from, Marty.

Torches! Pitch forks! Get that young woman!

The NFL set themselves up for it by caring about domestic violence, breast cancer, and veterans. And it’s all about branding. I would prefer if the NFL quietly did all this stuff on the side, like normal community service. I guarantee the marketing budget for all these things is bigger than the money going to the

Please post more information.

Sex addiction? Not a thing. It’s just not. It just means you got busted.

I think the part where you say that the “U.S. medical establishment finally saw the light” also sheds light on part of the problem. Prescriptions were tightened after this, forcing addicts to find opium in street drugs.

They could control it if they legalized it. And that has little to do with opioid addicts.