Kyle Grease


Exactly. It’s fiction.

I honestly don’t know what you’re trying to get at with this. The Choctaw are relegated to a few reservations in Oklahoma. Are we just doing away with historical relativism? I understand what you want the subject of the article to learn, but what’s the point? It seems like an indictment of the American Indian with no

Man, I feel you. I’m a Rangers fan and 2011 World Series was like the greatest letdown. As a sports fan, anyway.

Judge is 282lbs by google.

Please specify.

Most of these famous dudes have the money to go to court and fight til a verdict over false accusations. Their reputations are more important than making a problem go away with money. When a settlement amount is over the cost of a jury trial, it doesn’t prove guilt, but it’s a sign that the accused doesn’t want things


Seen a lawyer spell private as privet.

Jackie Robinson played through legitimate death threats and Jay Cutler plays through the criticisms of being lazy.

“I only protest where the government allows me to.”

Using the n-word is the only way to truly be racist. Everything up to that is stating facts, as the person perceives them of course.

Now playing

You can pick it up around 3mins mark and see why there were no looters. Not to validate her point or anything. The tsunami comes stronger than any of that hurricane bullshit.

The question is, how did Nancy get turned on to the Root?

How quickly it escalated?! She started off with back to Africa! That would probably violate the Jones Act.

You are correct. Withdraw subsidies two weeks before open enrollment begins. CONSEQUENCES BE DAMNED! (or premeditated).

It fucking better.

D(o)T(ard): Lesson 1

I demand that my QBs stand in the pocket, make their reads, and then heave it up. None of this running stuff. That’s why I watch the NFL. To see 17-14 games.