Kyle Grease

Remember when he undid the executive order that prevented coal mines from polluting waterways? That Obama signed, in the name of bringing back coal jobs. So yes, you are correct. The ACA, Iran Deal, and Paris Agreement are slightly (/s) bigger than the one I referenced, of course.

When he’s 90, he’ll be able to speak in complete sentences!!!

You have to hand it to the North Korean state run press for coming up with a word to label trump that has his initials, an accurate, one word description, and alludes to the word retard all in one.

Nobody has given me a ballot yet. When they do, I promise to care/vote.

Honestly don’t think they care about governance. Just duking out the culture wars.

Gah, it’s not hard to remember the territories. It’s the places where McDonald’s doesn’t do the Monopoly promos. Note, this comment not available in Guam, Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Russia.

EAT A SANDWICH! (not you)

He renounced his citizenship and became Russian.

I don’t know how to dig a well or farm. And I’d sure as shit rather move to a place without a drought and dig a well and farm before I stand in line for government bread and cheese. We get all the information and none of the tools.

Fair points. Question: do you trust the American education system to teach even part of this dehumanization? I understand your points, but it feels like the options are slim about giving an accurate picture. How do you intersperse hope, racial harmony with the past?

Ah yes, I did overlook that. So the issue is unlicensed is now decriminalized. I think that’s the crux, right? A vendor can still be penalized without creating a record for its owner, which might lead to investigation by immigration authorities. But still regulated by the health department. So it’s mostly a non-issue.

So many people are just programmed to pull (R) or (D), although sometimes there’s an overwhelming shift that sways it. I guess. I don’t really know. I would guess that there are a majority of (R) pullers who say, I don’t like what he says and then ignores it FTW. And then the rest, oh ya baby, DONNIE FTW!!!

You’re a worthless commenter.

Part street vendor problem. Other part people problem. No one compels people to not dispose of their garbage properly.

Black person upset that Mexicans gamed the system. Racist.

Are they returning it to him or donating? If they return it to him, it’s basically funding his legal team and lifestyle, and is a massive PR play that the public is too stupid to see through.

I don’t get why this guy gets off on the power dynamic. Why not just Tiger Woods and slut up the joint because you’ve got name recognition? Why bother with the women who aren’t interested?

Ya, but on the actual thing. They’ll say they don’t support the NFL, and then buy Coors Light, jerseys, and watch the games all Sunday.

YOu’r apethic