Kyle Grease

Holy shit, 3-2 at halftime.

I planted a desert willow on my folks’ property two weeks ago. Hope it grows up to be a big tree.

Greg Hardy got all the gunz, baby!

Cross post to jzebl and it’s sexist and hate filled and

hahahhaahha lololol

You don’t live in the real world.

just taking names as proof that they ought to be condemned. anyone that can leave their biases behind deserves a listen. stop shouting past people.

That’s definitely suspicious, but I don’t think it constitutes a conflict of interest under the ethics guidelines.

Ah, she’s not doing well. She’s just trying to make a name for herself. Granted, lawyers usually don’t get rich, but come on. I mean, I’d take the case, lose (cause I’m a noob) and get the largest malpractice judgement ever against me, but she seems like she has money so she’s held to a higher standard.

I mean, there’s not an international airport in antartica. Once you’re there, you’re there, right?

Ok, Stalin.

Mexicans aren’t a minority on the Mexico-Texas border.

Damn black people. You’re all too busy shouting about Jeremy Lin’s hair that there is only 23 comments on this. Seems way more pernicious than an Asian hooper not washing his hair.

You’re the worst.

This site is hard to decode as a white person. It wants to do the hard stuff about how shitty our government is. WHICH IS GREAT. Is the “all the honkeys are racist” satire? Because the reactions in the comment doesn’t make it seem that way. That RoozeBishPlz is a top commenter really kills the credibility of everyone

fake news

Monkey see, monkey do.

All politicians are crooks and the only thing that’s more hopeless than hoping they are virtuous leaders of societal change is my desire to see the Cowboys win another Super Bowl.

If you’d just shut your stupid mouth and reserve judgement on people’s personal decisions, the world would be a better place. Instead, you’re just on here playing Jezebel bingo, taking potshots at people to get some stars. Fucking pathetic.

Loving, I hardly knew ya!