hopefully the pats will be taking it from both ends like this thread. on, offense and defense.
hopefully the pats will be taking it from both ends like this thread. on, offense and defense.
edelman or whatever his name is is obviously a fucking try hard with that tackle after the pick. i’ll keep zeke, thank you very much.
Redskin fan using an epithet? Well, I never...
I saw Zeke Elliot at the airport once.
Adults wear belts. And those are used to hold our pants up around the hips. Not to hang your ass out of, black people.
Who was he terrorizing and to what end? Other white people? Country music fans? Are you not happy, black person?
Oh please - Chicawgoh - fothowzend
Romoing it!
Oh, shhh. It’s easy to find comments in nearly any political thread here about people cutting ties with their families because of something a family member said or voted for. Give it a rest.
This should be a simple Utilitarian argument. Do the most good for the most people, if possible. What this guy is saying is two-fold. First, we can’t be bother to impinge upon the lifestyles of people living in the upper- and the upper-middle class to pay for a stronger healthcare program. Two, we can’t be bothered to…
a huge stat like 50% of black women are sexually assaulted needs a source and definition of sexual assault
There just weren’t enough articles to comment on.
Only when their identity is found out.
Guess the acid kicked in towards the end there.
I don’t know how hiding in your basement is gonna be as effective as hiding in a mountain range full of caves?
God damn, I’d let ‘em keep the money if they’d stop with all the big game hunting.
The ‘emminent domain’ clause is in 5th, pretty sure.
No man. You’re proposing a flat tax on anyone that crosses a certain threshold. What’s wrong with just raising the highest rate a few fractions or so of a percentage point? Or a few percentage points? Whatever. Just - seizing things is not a good look. Taxation is fine.