The shoulder injury will do to Luck’s throwing ability what the neck injuries did to Peyton’s. Ten years earlier in his career.
The shoulder injury will do to Luck’s throwing ability what the neck injuries did to Peyton’s. Ten years earlier in his career.
In all fairness, there are a lot of these moments to keep up with.
True, but a new degree and career change doesn’t sound good. I’m happy where I am, mostly.
Well, DACA is still on the books for another 6 months. So, I guess they should be allowed to stay until then.
found the finance guy
Know your enemy lyrics are definitely worth a listen and a read.
Really? We’re giving RATM the most important album of the century? I mean, I’ve pumped it hundreds of times and I love Delroach’s lyrics and Morello’s guitar work. Since I don’t have any other good contenders, I’ll say Master of Puppets as a metalhead. RATM had an undeniable influence tho on politics in music. …
At least fake it and have someone hold cards up so you can look at the camera.
I, for one, welcome back the use of the word thug. So it does not have to have racial connotations. This is the only good thing “The Root” has accomplished. Now do posse. Because we all know what a load of shit that was.
Flamin’ hot limon. FIFY.
Well, Rhianna, no - sorry, Anne. The people on this site are pushing for segregation. So - go the fuck back to Africa.
Oh no! Your community is going to get a grocery store! Blarrgh, you’ll have fewer, but still many chances, to clog your arteries with fast food and get the diabeetus.
Or being a facade of being a good person.
You’re not wrong. Both these geezers need to be put out to pasture.
My family dog once ate a whole tray of oreos.
No you’re not. Thanks for lying to the internet.
A little green, yet enthused. It’s just like the players - by week 8, he’ll be fine.
Come’s blacks are targeting Jews now because liberals are divided.