Kyle Grease
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Fuck, if we’re doing full blow nihilism, then it’s always: Cattle Decapitation.

At this point, if you’re still seizing upon people that tell Hilary to go away, and are still latching on to them as Trumpkins or Bernie Bros., you are the problem. She had two chances. She mucked them both up. No one wants to elect her to the White House as a 74 year old person. At the very least, we have to

Talk. It’s a great sport.

congress = house + senate

if lebatard is off air, no one else gets to have fun. miserable work day.

They’re just coaching ‘em up for a UBI and then the middle class will die.

Well you boxed me in on that one.

I work out tons. I get the benefits.

Wrong. Sports rule!

Um, I was just saying there are other ways to stay active.

I play volleyball, baseball, and tennis and I’m 32. Fair enough for you.

No comments worth reading. I wonder why.

What’s the point of working out every night if you’re not going to play some sports?

Black people can’t be racist against black people.

That loss bites.

Getting rid of the greys is a massive mistake.

Or the stadium will be empty. That’s a possibility.

Once we get rid of those dreamers, those stadiums will be as white as a Bills game. Then we’ll let the attendees bring guns in and scare them Mexicans real good.

ya. helped me stop smoking 100%