Could you be any more classist, condescending and shitty?
Could you be any more classist, condescending and shitty?
Fuck off, racist.
Ah, more condescension and infantilizing from the self-appointed “adults in the room”, the craven centrists. Funny how you claim that only centrist policies win votes, despite the fact that the recent progressive boom in response to the outright authoritarianism of the ruling right wing pushed not only progressive…
I love it when centrists (who are almost always center-right, as if being “pragmatic” means standing up for the status quo and refusing to budge on any meaningful change because they cynically believe that if billionaires and private industry don’t want it, then it must be bad) come here to tell us we’ve gone “too far…
Shut the fuck up, you insincere centrist piece of garbage. Stop blaming “progressives” for daring to want a better world, instead of the craven centrists who strive to maintain the status quo, maintain “peace” instead of seeking justice and who feel no urgency for the loss of civil liberties of POC and marginalized…
They consider themselves “white”, that’s what’s the matter with them. They may view the Holocaust as vile and a stain upon humanity, as it was, but in the same breath they’ll celebrate the ethnic cleansing plans of Israel and the Trump Administration. These are violent sociopaths who’s only goals are to injure,…
You’re 100% on point here, but I find it interesting that right wing (or let’s just say it, fascist) Jewish people, here in the States, continue to believe they’re white when the very movement they’re aligning with, American white supremacists, holds antisemitism as its ideological core.
*aren’t stupid, damn it
That piece of shit right wing troll is a persistent little fuck, isn’t he? He’s always here with “gotcha!” links in response to criminal behavior from white nationalists and others that target black people and other POC. He ignores the fact, of course, that most of his links end up showing that the criminals were…
You’re talking to a right wing troll who’s only goal is to gaslight, deny and misinform.
You’re never going to attract black people en masse to your right wing bullshit, you fucking cancerous, disinformation-spreading garbage human being. Your dumbass “walk away” campaign failed and it’s going to continue failing because most people are stupid enough to believe your ludicrous lies.
He’s as orange as one can be without sadly developing melanoma?
Remember that fascist, authoritarian piece of shit who helped erode democracy and who’s right hand man was an ethnic cleansing sociopath who derived pleasure from the pain of Latin American citizens and immigrants, alike? He’s got a brand new show, on Fox!
So this is Joker without the Batman mythos?
If he was serious about “waging war on the cartels”, he’d end the War on Drugs, legalize them and tax them accordingly while enacting legislation for universal healthcare for those addicted (Medicare already covers some forms of addiction).
He’s using religion to shield himself from criticism, to hold himself as infallible and to act as a conduit for his god, effectively making himself the voice of his god.
Lol these fascist bootlicking scum just keep proving their tribalist bullshit is more important to them than anything else, ironically through the use (or misuse) of federally funded, tax payer money.
He cannot be replaced; he’s too iconic and too perfect for Grandad. Some of the best episodes revolved around Grandad and his escapades, and I cannot see anyone else filling those roles. I felt the same about Samurai Jack when they found someone to fill in Mako Iwamatsu’s shoes for Aku, though it’s easier to accept…
Fuck Buffalo Wild Wings, that place is a haven for white racist bros and other violent sociopathic right wing bully scum. Appeasing a racist instead of the victim of racism is on brand for that shitty joint.