
Authoritarians and fascists hate counting the votes of people they view as subhuman or unworthy of a voice. These vile right wing fucks cannot win without “gaming” the system, if they’re not openly suppressing those they deem illegitimate in the first place. 

This shit is the reason why white nationalist, fascist scum need to be wiped out.

A tragic loss. I almost think they shouldn’t go forward with the new Boondocks anymore, because Witherspoon’s voice was such a huge part of it. Still, he was more than Grandad. Rest in power.

People who continue to call this charlatan a genius are misguidedly nostalgic at best, or fascists who hold an agenda to hide their racism and bigotry behind POC who foolishly align with them in some vain attempt at self-preservation, or belief that they’ll be considered for positions of power and influence because of

Kill yourself, fascist

Probably also has a shitty 14/88 tattoo or the SS runes

Oregon? How much do you want to bet that this officer has some “secret”, white nationalist links?

No idea, either. I suppose it must stem from some past interaction where the troll was bested by the good Doctor, and he became crazed with revenge and the effort to sully his name. Just goes to show the nature of these right wing vermin.

From what I know about Staten Island, this piece of shit looks like every racist fuck there. Every violent racist piece of shit. He should be too ashamed to be out in public, but instead he’s emboldened. That’s the reality we’re facing.

It sucks that there’s this narrative that compassion for others, and for human life, must be “shown” and “taught” to fascists and cancerous fuckhead racists. They don’t “learn” that shit because they don’t care!! They’re sociopathic, and they mock and laugh at anyone who tries to teach them compassion. They willfully

True, and thank you.

lol the persecuted right wing fascist! Oh woe is the world that chooses to acknowledge the humanity of a marginalized person over the feelings and emotions of the intolerant right wing shit bags! Woe I say, woe!!!!!

To the racist creep who commented:

He’s a virulent racist and fascist, posing as another poster by the same name (the real Dr Emilio Lizardo is actually a good dude). Just dismiss that piece of cancerous right wing trash.

I bet these fucking goosesteppers are Proud Boys

Because these Republicans in power benefit from him being in office, whether financially or in getting every oppressive, avarice-laden policy and law they want ushered in. They’re simply driven by power and the subjugation of those they view as unworthy of rights.

Yeah, and white is also the prevailing race. The race with the most advantages. That’s why it’s not exactly a two-way street. It’s more like a wide-lane and a little unfinished path that leads into a dead-end nook.

Ha, a little of both I suppose, but in our immediate reality, it’s another user named Dr Emilio Lizardo who has been a valued regular here since the Gawker days.

Please dismiss that cancerous, racist troll that is besmirching the real Dr Emilio Lizardo’s good name

She was willing and culpable for Trump’s ethnic cleansing efforts, just not willing to go “far enough”. That sort of cynical evil must haunt her for the rest of her days.