Even though that shooter was a fucking psycho wife-beater, I do agree that far right fascists need to die, as well.
Even though that shooter was a fucking psycho wife-beater, I do agree that far right fascists need to die, as well.
RIGHT WINGER: Ha! Ha! That guy is a total genius! He spent his god-given wealth on a yacht just to piss off the libs! What a true patriot!
I truly believe it’s time for direct, violent action against fascists and their white nationalist allies. Fuck “civility”, fuck “debate”, and fuck politeness. These vile cancerous flesh pustules operate as covert agents, but they buy their own bullshit about how intellectually powerful they are so much that they often…
Right wing Jewish folks have been hoping to achieve that, over here as well. They see themselves as white, and they hate the right black and brown people, but they are kidding themselves if they truly believe white supremacists will finally accept them into the white club. Anti-semitism is one of the core beliefs of…
I am not a woman, nor am I trans, but I will say (and feel free to ignore me): If you are willing to side with people who actively seek to disenfranchise you, subjugate you to their authority and condemn you for your lifestyle choices or mere existence, all to hurt another marginalized community, then you have no…
Fuck “Mayor Pete”, the safe-centrist candidate for white liberals who fear losing their privilege just as much as they fear the black guy across the street, but fight like damn hell to make sure they appear progressive.
They’re violent sociopaths. They laugh at the suffering of those they’ve deemed to be subhuman. It’s their joy, and the reason why they’re willing to forgo any concerns over their own health or prosperity in the face of corrupt oligarchs and the avarice of the elite: they feel that all of that, their prosperity and…
Yeah, that was definitely a red flag when it was reported he wouldn’t be working on it for the last season, but I gave it a chance nonetheless.
Yeah I remember finding the original news report on it, and he was totally the same guy. Such a great episode from an amazing show (aside from the last season, which shall never be spoken of).
Was waiting for this gem.
This is the logical conclusion of Trump’s religious freedom initiative. Some thought it would just be to openly discriminate against LGBTQ folks, but it is about much more than that. It’s about legal protection to discriminate in all multitudes of ways, and because christianity can be used as a catch-all reason for…
“risking my neck” = make meaningful changes to his own life to better the environment. And you know what? It isn’t about you, you fucking selfish prick. It’s about holding those in power, and the pollution industry (which includes our energy industry as much as it does our various product manufacturers) accountable,…
I bet you wave a gun in front of a cops face from your doorstep to celebrate your second amendment rights, and to show them that you’re ready for when the “gummermint comes a’knockin’ to take your private healthcare away.”
lol and the one troll on here cannot even argue your salient points, so he has to come at you with a “their? It’s they’re” like the flaccid right-wing shitstain that he is.
“A man threatening unarmed teenagers with a gun, shooting it into the ground, is the exact same thing as a teenager throwing someone into the pool. In fact, this common threat to young black teens was revenge for that one incident!!” - a racist in the grays
Seriously, that meme that MSNBC is “left wing” is laughable.
Just kill racists. It’s easier than going through the trouble of the justice system, especially when that system is deeply driven by racism in the first place.
Exactly. The personal is political.
Lol well when the right wing controls a good portion of the government, is in power enough to form policy and law and has openly sought to wage war against “degeneracy”, which is a subjective and wholly emotional claim, then who the fuck else are we going to blame? I know you’ll say Obama, but you’re a fascist cretin…
You? Anti-gun? Sure. And I don’t really have an endgame, not insomuch as my hoping that far-right assholes understand that their attempts to expand and infiltrate public spaces, whether online or off, will not be met quietly and meekly.