
lol okay tough guy, go polish your rims while you wait for your chance to kill liberals and immigrants. Fascists like you think you’ve got the upper hand because you’re all piece of shit bullies. But you have no idea how ready we are for you.

lol keep crying fascist piece of shit

It’s why social programs and other public welfare policies were really popular after WW2. They were perceived as helping out the American nuclear family, i.e. the white family. When it became clear that non-white American citizens, residents and others were benefiting from those programs as well, they suddenly became

I love that they pretty much proved his point. Fascists think so highly of their abilities to confuse, misinform and manipulate, yet they often are the victims of their own hubris.

Why are car fetishists like you almost always fascists?

It’s the long game for fascists. They play everything for laughs, especially the stuff that is meant to incite violence. And when it does, they go right back to the “laughs”, and claim, “Hey, it was just a joke! You all got trolled! That’s all lol!”

This isn’t an either/or, zero-sum game issue, dipshit. And furthermore, we’re not talking about things in a vacuum. Like, PewDiePie didn’t say something that bigots like unrelated to their bigotry. Honestly, what would Obama have said that would appeal to a white supremacist beyond an earlier, cowardly stance on LGBTQ

JonTron is an instigator, an avowed white supremacist (even if he’s Persian-Hungarian in origin) and a fascist. His work is to infiltrate popular culture and to drop little seeds of his ideology here and there, but he made a big mistake getting worked up enough to let it all out so-to-speak. But for “people” who hold

lol you’re such a dumb fuck, it’s pretty funny. You’re obviously one of the lowly peons of the far right. But you know what? I actually appreciate your honesty, even if it is derived from a lack of intellectual fortitude. Your elitist, intellectual betters enjoy playing the gaslighting game too much. It’s become

lol you have no idea how wrong you are. The fact that you supposed “champions” of misinformation and gaslighting still actually believe that only you have the guns and the “will” to use them is laughable, as that underestimation will be your undoing. We want fascist blood to line the streets, to drown your children

To the right wing gaslighting troll: De-regulation means lack of accountability and oversight, which means more abuses. But red-lining is not about “regulation”, it is about systemic racism tied into policy. That’s the sort of thing Trump is in favor of. Regardless of oversight, he can and will help pass laws and

Red-lining is one of the most insidious, on-the-nose racist policies ever enacted. It ensured an artificial socioeconomic depression upon black communities, and the lack of funding for education and healthcare (as well as crumbling infrastructure) directly leads to crime and gave police and lawmakers an excuse to

Keep crying, you white nationalist piece of shit. Your parents should have never completed consummation.

You seem bothered by that people hate racists, you pathetic sack of shit

lol you should get shanked by a big black guy

You’ll fail in your attempts at worldwide power grab, especially since it completely contradicts your “anti-globalism” crusade. Obviously contradictions matter little to the right wing, but it will be your undoing.

I want there to be a breaking point, so people like you can get dragged out onto the streets and torn apart by an angry mob.

lol you think you’re such a badass but your dick would probably shrink to microscopic proportions if someone took a serrated knife to your throat, you racist piece of human garbage.

And isn’t it funny that they also fear that an anti-racist message will be picked up by people playing the game, something that they have routinely mocked and ridiculed as ineffectual (“Diversity doesn’t work lol!”), while furiously and feverishly coordinating campaigns of racist, fascist propaganda and attempting to

He also appeals to whites who view themselves as progressive, but would rather not rock any boats. He’s “safe” like that.