
These pieces of complete and utter trash need to be dealt with violently.

You believe that your right to own an arsenal of weapons is a “god given” one? Fuck you’re pathetic.

Are you kidding? His Kid Rock anthology is worth so much more in his pile of shit right wing redneck town

Lol you should probably find the time today to hang yourself

Those fascist fucks are already getting ready to protect their fuhrer from being ousted, and I guarantee you they will be in for a shock when they realize that their enemies aren’t going to fight them with just words.

Lol two liars demand to investigate another liar who helped cover up their own lies.

Whenever some concern troll or other type of insincere right wing operative chimes in with, “Well, if it’s not affecting their ability to do their job, what’s the harm?”, I can’t help but think that what they’re actually saying is, “We know that they use the military to learn the necessary skills to succeed in

Racists should be viciously beaten down, all the goddamn time. No olive branches, no appeals to their humanity, nothing. They want violence? They’ll get it.

GUTFIELD: So you’re calling me a Nazi??! A NAZI??!! I’M SO OFFENDED LOL!! I’m so deeply offended right now that I’m laugh yelling that’s how ridiculous this whole thing is! Ich stehe mit dem Führer, ich stehe mit seiner Herrlichkeit und unter seiner Herrschaft! Ich werde nicht mehr auf diese Anschuldigungen hören!

Flagged, and will do from now on, thank you.

The only thing theroot.com is doing is highlighting stories of racial injustice against african americans, and it’s that that makes you uncomfortable. It’s that that you call “bullshit,” and it’s that that you accuse of being “divisive”. You just want people to “shut up” about racism? Then help destroy the system of

Fuck that, racists should be strung up just like they would like to do to “the other”.

Such is the vision of the so-called “pragmatic moderate,” which usually aligns nicely with the needs of the right wing. Meaningful change, true progress in the face of archaic, corrupt systems of greed like the energy lobby, is supposedly “childish” and “pie in the sky dreaming”, while the complete erosion of our

Man, how I wish someone would have thrown a molotov cocktail into that mess of white nationalist scum that night

Maybe some sort of vigilante action should happen to Mr. Hay, away from the cops line of sight. Honestly, maybe all of these white supremacist fucks can be dealt with away from the prying eyes of authority, if these cops are so eager to play the whole, “Welp, didn’t see it ourselves” card.

He’s clearly a right-wing saboteur troll, masquerading as a social justice commenter while trying to discredit intersectionality, and making it seem like lying to get ahead in life is helpful to a cause that is supposed to benefit a whole population of people (i.e. marginalized groups).

You are so obviously a complete and utter poor excuse for a saboteur. You’re clearly a right wing piece of shit who thinks he can stir more division and distrust.

Fuck that fascist scum. “lolol am I fascist? lolol I dunno woops maybe lolol” is not a fucking joke. It’s the insidious nature of the far right infiltrating the minds of the impressionable. And you fucking fascist apologists love it.

Once again, the spineless media thinks reaching out to the right wing, through the misguided “both sides” ideology, is going to make for a more balanced news feed. Ironically, all it ever does is allow a platform that only seems to benefit the right wing.

Because it’s a loaded question. Again: willfully obtuse. And I can’t speak of others here, but I wasn’t saying you, yourself, are complicit in the culture of toxic masculinity, rape culture, etc. (although your deflection leads me to believe that you indeed are), what I was saying is that you live underneath its