
“Just because I’m a guy, everything is my fault?” is classic, obtuse bullshit purposefully weaponized to sabotage conversations surrounding rape culture and toxic masculinity. It’s also meant to coddle the willfully obtuse individual, so as to “protect” them from “being hurt,” which is the result of the drizzling

So this right wing piece of human excrement wants the KKK to come back and kill “democrats,” but he also most likely subscribes to the right-wing gaslighting argument that, “Actually, the KKK are democrats, so the democrats are the true racists!”. What’s hilarious is that that sort of cognitive dissonance is

Yeah, I didn’t say anything pertaining to this case, I just asked you to kill yourself, you right wing trash bag.

lol all you right wing scum have is “Smollet.” No matter how many times the right wing terrorizes people, kill people (or try to) and no matter how many jack-booted right wing thugs assault people, you’ll always point to “Smollet” as your go-to “trump” card, because you’re intellectually lazy, dishonest and insincere.

Fuck you, we’re not standing down, either. The right wing is a bloodthirsty, fascist movement that is hellbent on forcibly displacing people (ethnic cleansing), widening the gap between the poor and the wealthy and destroying the environment in the name of billionaire greed. Your blood will coat the streets in due

lol Kill the right wing

Fuck off, apologist for the top 1%. You really think that’s viable in your own lifetime, right? Like you can do the same, just as long as there aren’t any fun-spoiling socialists demanding something childish like fairness? Fuck you, asshole

Just toss him into a hole with Roseanne and call it, “Red State Theatre; a New Symposium for Dullards and Racialist Scienticians”

Terrifying. I think we need Matthew McCounaughey here to say, “The older the world gets, the more fascist dictators stay the same, yes they do, yes they do.”

Fascists need goons on the street to commit their violence for them, a sort of “*wink wink* not state sponsored but yeah, state sponsored violence”.

He only thinks he’s rich because he has an xbox.

Insincere, bad-faith trolling. So common, yet so unimaginatively boring.

Would love to see a standalone version of that in either a video game, or short film (with those exact people too).

I’m sorry you’re getting all this hate, but you were asking for it. What did you think would happen being a total and completely imbecilic misogynist here? And wearing that willfully obtuse expression? Jeez, you’re just another statistic now.

He seems like the kind of dbag who would say he “feels guilty about it” with a smirk and a chuckle.

lol I don’t remember Salo causing any seizures but I certainly found it despicable and self-aware as a sleazy “shock art” film. A friend in college lent me a VHS copy cause he said I didn’t want to risk searching for it. Pasolini was an interesting figure...

That movie would most likely induce seizures, send you to jail/get you on the FBI watch list and indoctrinate you to horrifyingly cruel and evil right wing political ideologies.

Wow. I guess America’s history of powerful white men raping black slaves, or sociopathic, racist fascists marrying Asian women (as some subservience fantasy) and more is just a smokescreen from the ACTUAL racists, who... I guess... melt when close to a person of color?

Nah, there’s quite a bit of gleefully sociopathic, violent racists in the younger generation. You’ll find them extolling the virtues of ethnic cleansing, with anime avatars and laughing at anyone who dares call them out on their inhumanity and proud cruelty.