“I apologize if you give you a shit about what I did because that’s only distracting from the fact that I fully support raising the police’s suspicions of innocent but very-much colored people.”
“I apologize if you give you a shit about what I did because that’s only distracting from the fact that I fully support raising the police’s suspicions of innocent but very-much colored people.”
It’s pretty fucking sad that a person of color can look at a right wing, republican asshole in full KKK regalia, praising Trump, and then look over at women of color in the Democratic party wearing white and go, “There’s the KKK.”
“Orange man good. He hate brown peepole like me and he laugh at victim of sex crime and unnecessary brutality.” - Right wing clod, self-described “smart guy”
lol you say that while toting the right wing line
My body is so ready for socialism. Die, fascists and right wing vermin!
Oh for sure, I just happen to think the narrative that “the right is actually where you want to be, subhumans and degenerates!” is ludicrous when comparing the efforts of the two ruling parties.
I love how racists and gaslighting fascists always tell people of color that “Your real enemies are them demy-crats! They’re just ussssing you!!” while they’re actively trying to dismantle any protections for our voting rights, devalue our votes and/or simply prevent us from even voting in the first place.
It’s funny that they’re noticing now, but will they finally grasp that just because someone tells them that they’re going to really go after the “browns and blacks”, that they don’t necessarily mean they won’t go after their economically anxious white asses, either?
The difference between, say, Europe and us is that the insurance companies do not have as huge a pull, nor the influence they have on our government. The idea that they can coexist with a universal healthcare system is nice, but unrealistic. Nothing but the complete abolishment of private insurance would work here.
That’s a whole lot of words just to say, “I’m trying to diminish the role racism played here, because I’m a fucking scumbag.”
lol “western culture”. JUST SAY WHITE SUPREMACY, YOU FUCKING RACIST PIECE OF SHIT. If you don’t include anything beyond the south of the border as part of your “western culture” bullshit narrative, then you’re a fucking liar and an actual cancer cell. I mean, you are, and you’re proud of that, but still, fuck you.
It was only a matter of a few years, when the Trump Regime (now installed as a so-called “temporarily permanent” ruling body, after abolishing elections and dissolving Congress in favor of a Republican-ruled, “American Freedom & Patriotism Board of Executives,” a sort of high council made up of CEOs of the energy…
“I wasn’t being racist, but here I am being racist.” Doubling-down is a classic racist troll move, but it’s also boring as fuck. Stick a searing hot knife into your eye, to own the libs some more.
Because to them, if your property is being literally stolen by the police, then it must mean you’ve done something wrong and deserve it. It’s also secretly a belief that certain people don’t deserve what they own, and that it rightfully should be under the ownership of much more deserving citizens (like the Nazis…
Seriously. Nothing is worse than this mindless argument from moderates, “It’s way too difficult to achieve so let’s continuing going forward with nothing changed, because that’s the more sensible, adult thing to do! Not your childish, wild-eye dreaming of meaningful change!” *scoffs*
“Just following orders” is going to the line heard once around the world once this fascist bullshit is all said and done (again).
Because image and perception are the biggest hurdles for fascists and their troll disseminators. That’s the only way they gain public acceptance, and anything that threatens their narratives is attacked with such ferocity like a virus latching onto healthy cells. They coordinate campaigns of misinformation, harassment…
Burn that entire district down
Of course it has to be a big piece of shit bully. So many huge dudes are also in the habit of being absolutely terrible, sociopathic pieces of shits to people. That’s why they’re so drawn to the right wing: it validates and encourages their toxic bullshit, and gives a political rallying cry to the shithead bully,…
Judging from your comment history, we’re on the same side asshole