
She just isnt funny at all. I’m all for mockery of Spicer but this is awful.

Here’s my central problem with Republican policies as illustrated by this article.

Right, because I’m sure they installed keyloggers on your personal devices.

I’ve got a great idea for a new racing series! Now I know this is a little bit crazy and not what we’re used to, but hear me out, you guys might like it...What if we have a series where points are awarded to the top finishers in each race and the driver with the most points at the end of the season wins the

Rally is racing against the clock, often over multiple days and conditions.

On the bright side, this gives Rodgers more time to spend with his family

Absolutely! He should maybe set up a private email server, too!

How about Deshaun Watson tho

I’m still angry at people who didn’t give enough of a shit to vote, voted third party because they thought HRC was “the same” or worse than Trump, and those that voted Trump as a fun little protest vote, not thinking he’d actually be elected

There’s a difference between working for a customer you don’t particularly like (or even loath) vs publicly acting to prop up and celebrate them. More than that, because this isn’t just “a job” they have to deal with becoming a propaganda tool for a politician who supports legislature that may directly seek to negate

Already forcing women to do something with their bodies against their will, and he’s not even president yet.

Can we please stop paying attention to this guy now? He literally lied to you and manipulated the gaming media for a week for his own benefit. You don’t have to write about him or his moronic band of followers ever again. Just ignore him.

Why do you not think that Maeve’s “decision” to come back to the park to find her “daughter” was anything but the story written for her? Bernard only showed her that her entire plan to that point (and the next few steps) were coded into her, not that she was to actually leave. And when he says she’s done this before,

Newsflash; people who can’t tell they’ve been conned surprised when it turns out they’ve been conned.

Yeah, but it’s like wiping with sand paper.

Yeah, but it’s like wiping with sand paper.