
I am increasingly frustrated with this site. I can’t even type a comment without the cursor getting dragged back to the beginning. I ... y’all, I think I’m done.

I agree. The burner account thing really makes it seem like they want to discourage the community. There was no reason to make the change. I’m happy for the staff that the back end is working better for them but the user facing part of this is horrible.

This is as good a week place as any to leave this. I’ve been reading the AV Club for close to ten years. This new site is a travesty. I may return if things improve but for now, farewell.

Adjusted for population growth, the Republicans come out in the same numbers every four years. Democrats and the mythical “undecided” voters stayed home in 2016. The Bernouts, the third party voters and the dumbshits who stayed home gifted the election to Trump. For all Hillary’s faults, which are far fewer than the

Well, she’s not wrong.

call me crazy, but i think the Democractic party would be wise to cease any and all finger-pointing/blaming/mud-slinging until AFTER the 2020 election.
just sayin.