
They can afford this but still have to charge me for an extra bag.

Going to see this for the second time tonight. Sheer brilliance, and quite possibly a true classic. Though not for everyone. Definitely not for everyone.

Saw mother! Truly awesome. You have to go in not expecting a linear narrative, because the Bible is not a linear narrative. On the other hand, it’s marvelous as allegory. I’ve heard accusations of it being anti-Christian, but that’s only from people who seriously misunderstood what it was about (or didn’t see it at

Honestly, it is sort of false advertising to put Jennifer Lawrence in an Aronofsky film. I can’t imagine the shock some of these people must have experienced when they sat down ready to be charmed by America’s sweetheart, only to be beaten over the head with Aronofsky’s weirdest film to date, and a biblical allegory,

I wouldn’t call Jennifer Lawrence a “bad” actress, necessarily. It’s just that she’s always Jennifer Lawrence. Like Jack Nicholson and Kevin Spacey, she never loses herself in a character like a Meryl Streep or Daniel Day-Lewis but is rather just entertaining to watch by her own merits and is capable of reading

Saw it earlier today too. Also 5 out of 5 stars. It’s brilliant. Unfortunately, its Rotten Tomatoes audience score is getting ruined by a bunch of idiots who totally missed that the film is supposed to be an allegory of the entire Bible.

It IS heavy-handed, but it’s so mired in pure allegory that it’s not like you were ever supposed to take any of it literally. If you accept it as fantasy, it makes perfect sense.

Saw this earlier today and loved it. It outdoes Requiem for a Dream in how wild it gets and may be Aronofsky’s looniest film to date. It’s extremely dark, but I found myself giggling at a lot of parts, particularly when Javier Bardem’s “God” character changes tone and forgets promises he made just moments earlier

The deal has been altered. Now you must also sign in each time and change your password every two weeks. Pray I don’t alter it any further.

Agreed. The new site is a mess. It was hard enough finding anything the way they had it before, but this might be the final nail in the coffin for me.

Just before I posted this, there were exactly 69 replies. Yeah, I’ll bet there were!

I’ve been saying for over a year that Trump would bring back more jobs by keeping the Mexicans and deporting the engineers, but no one wants to listen.

Welcome to the New Internet, where “imperfect person who has flaws and makes mistakes” equals “reprehensible dick.”