
Honestly, I think she might be a touch up her own ass. That is one self-pitying, self-absorbed melodramatic ebay post. Why not just take the damn dress back to the store and exchange it for a different color? Or if that’s not possible, sell it as just a new white dress, tags on, for what she paid for it sans mopey

Maybe he’s not actually a jerky loser? I mean, I kind of feel like anyone who posts an ad from the point of view of the dress has the potential to be kind of a nightmare person to deal with.

Yeah I’m not sure that is a problematic statement except for the existing stereotype. She was making a statement based on her personal experiences. Plus in general, especially if you dip out of the US context, black men do not follow the prevailing standards of beauty. I’m not saying it needs to be celebrated, but I

Okay, but how many of you ladies crying racism and being massively offended are fat? Like really fat? Ass for weeks fat?

i agree with this and i think it’s unfair in a lot of cases—like, i don’t think an employment history that includes a year of stripping (or a pinterest board that talks about loving booze, or something) has any bearing on a teacher’s ability to teach. but this strikes me as something that would very obviously prevent

But this is the thing, though, isn’t it? People do say things exactly like you mention, all the shitting time. Like, all the time. I’m not trying to make the argument that it’s all hunky-dory, but it is more complicated than some commenters are making it sound. Yes, theoretically it is always wrong to make

I don't know. It's not a stereotype if she's basing it off her actual experience. Also, she's saying black men love her....not black men love big white women.

This entire controversy was a case of certain jealous women getting pissed off and disguising their anger at white women as a racial offense.

Can we reframe this? Instead of “OMG she said Black men!” flip the narrative to “Isn’t it great that many Black men don’t seem to have to same sick obsession with thinness that White men do? These men have somehow escaped the view that there is only one acceptable body size. What is it that makes them so mentally

Please let me know: Is there anything wrong with saying black men love me?

Reddit is pretty much a gaping asshole.

Well, she doesn’t know what she does either. Other than being Kanye’s ex-girlfriend, and doing porn and modeling, I have no idea why this person thinks they can write an advice book about finance, love or life. Anybody who thinks it’s a good idea to inject silicone into their ass shouldn’t be allowed to give life

I think readers deserve an apology

The questions were bullshit.

why do you have so many hands tho, yo.

you’re not going to watch the video? I’m going to file a Title IX complaint against you! For Feminism!

Still a better love story than Twilight.

How many people thought badass Wilding woman saw one of her own deceased kids amongst that group of kid-wight zombie horrors? I thought she for sure saw her own offspring there. But it seems not everyone did. Is there a gender divide? A parental divide?

“And if you pause here, you can actually see his heart break.”

It’s when your movement stops being a rational one, based off of pragmatism and self-criticism, and starts becoming a religion, fanaticism based on dogma rather than discourse.