
Not only do I think Starfield was NOT snubbed, I’d argue there were much better options than it for best RPG... like the Advance Wars and Super Mario RPG remakes to name the first to come to mind...

Yeach, I stopped watching anything Noclip after their Be3 videos, where they hyped up Fallout 76 without any real access to the game to see if it were any good. It was marketing in disguise, and it lost any and all trust I had in Danny O’Dwyer.

Imagine paying for skins, period.

I do, which is why I know that more FPS doesn’t need more space on your hard drive, unless the game is cutscene heavy or something.

Well, except on the Xbox where Microsoft forced people to use proprietary cards that could be charged high prices regardless of the current storage prices... Funny how there was tons of outrage (rightfully) about the memory stick and very little outrage from journalists about it on the Series consoles. In fact, all

I’d argue the texture quality you claim on “most Japanese games”, but more importantly, how much extra space do you think higher frames per second takes up on a hard drive? Like, do you seriously believe they store each frame on the drive so 60 FPS somehow takes up more space than 30 FPS? 🤣

Hopefully, into the bin where it belongs.

Well I’m at least glad to see it’s not only me.

A fair amount of the free ones are good, mostly food places, for example, Dunkin’ Donuts and Popeyes.

I can't believe they're forcing you to own Gotham Knights just to get a deal on the good games. 🫤

Way to ignore them saying “When official peripherals are no longer manufactured they’ll get steadily rarer and more expensive”

In before they announce they decided it would be considered racist or cultural appropriation for Peter to do it. 🙄

The only change I want isn’t in the game... I want them to return the mario jump sound. The one they have now seems like they were going for less irritating, but for me it's MORE distracting. Give me a toggle for the jump sounds!

Lay off all the staff you need, but God forbid we stop paying developers to let us give away their games! - Tim Sweeney, probably.

Cutbacks? Are there even LESS puddles? WTF!

Yeach, you're very much misremembering, or you just had a good friend group, or a magical school of tolerance. Even Eminem was using the word in lyrics at that time, and kids were definitely still using it as an insult. 

More recently, Kotick had controversial comedian and former late night host James Corden come to Activision to interview him earlier this week.

Its a shame to hear Avalance is laying off 1/5th of their staff. Good luck finding new jobs to all the former employees affected by these layoffs.

Someone needs to get Tex Murphy on this case. 

What I want to know before purchase is if it's a full replica, or if it's basically half a gun fused onto the back of the shadowbox so it'd be impossible to remove.