
The art is a turnoff for me. It’s TECHNICALLY very well done, the explosions looks great and there’s plenty of frames of animation which is nice, but there’s just no character in the troop/area designs. It feels like an Army Men game design wise but with less charm.

Glad that I persevered with Best Buy after getting Amazon preorders so I could get reward points there. I kept my Amazon orders open for a while and had only just cancelled my Amazon orders last week when it seemed likely Best Buy wasn’t going to cancel or delay my order. (They charged my card)

Yes, they very much do. And if it’s a game with an uncapped frame rate option, variable resolution, or just an unstable framerate, they’ll even run better on the PS5. Not to mention the quicker load times.

Camp a bunch of websites on launch day. Follow both Cheap Ass Gamer and Wario 64 on twitter and turn on notifications for them. Good Luck!

Do you prefer 60fps? Then yes, the ps5 is certainly worth it even on a 1080p screen.

I managed to get 2 of each in the first preorders. It’s not THAT hard and certainly not bot required to get one.

Also what he said is factually wrong anyway. Yes, it doesn’t magically run at 60fps because it’s a locked 30, but the game did NOT always run at 30 and had frame pacing issues often when it DID so it WILL run better on the PS5. Just not leaps and bounds better if it’d had an uncapped framerate.

Yeah, it sounds like, for a while at least, games are going to be like that. >_<

I was here to point out the same thing.

The problem is, it’s not JUST during loading, if the game finishes loading before you are done watching it makes you wait for the ad to end...

You’re right, I would be. Telling it like it is and making people hear hard truths is very out of style when it comes to politics, on both sides.

Or it shows how good a politician she is, seeing as that’s part of the job description; lying, deceit, and fooling people into thinking you actually care about them to get their votes.

Wow. I had no clue they didn’t allow multi-layer discs... that’s insane.

This is why I don’t like the idea of putting Xbone games and XSeX games on the same disc.

They did the same thing with Judgement too.

Perhaps, because it’s a beta and just out, people wanted to get into the game and see what it’s like, instead of investing a bunch of time building characters who will likely be deleted once the full game is out and you have to start over because of all the changes they’ll make.

Ugh, just what we need, the low bitrate MP3 version of streaming games. As if the lag wasn’t bad enough we don’t need MS/Amazon/Google etc trying to save bandwidth by sending out crap video like this claiming it’s good enough, like people tried to claim with 64kbps or 128kbps MP3s.

The tech works about as good (with higher resolition because bandwidth overall is higher) as OnLive did. I beta tested both and my takeaway was, yep, still works, still noticeable lag and playable.

I understand Sakurai often looks tired in videos, but I do wish people would stop acting like he’s being forced to work and the only one who works on Smash.