
For me, personally, I’d bid this world adieu.”

I hope cops kill your loved ones. 

Black people kill each other every single day in numbers higher than any other race. try again fuckwit.

Your personal bias is the only evidence you need.  

Yes. it was. Young black thugs tried to steal her bike... Racist mfers

something something income inequality something something

Par for the progressive course. 

So if I rent a bike and you run up and yank it out of my hands and it refunds the sale it’s your bike?  I’ll have to remember that.  

The bigotry is strong with Rainey...

Oh. Sorry. This is 2023. Women are not allowed to be portrayed as dark or crazy in the media.  It goes against our infallible victim agenda!

People pay money for live service bullshit and bullshit is worth what people are willing to pay for it. Corporations exist to maximize profits for shareholders.  I don’t see the problem here?

Meanwhile, Paul Whelan is still rotting in a Russian cell.  But hey, he’s a straight white male so he obviously deserves it.  

How hard can it be? Simply race/gender swap classic characters and copy the original IP with a few wisecracks about how horrible straight white men are. 

But you’re more than willing to bet she’s being racist I bet.  Hypocrite. 

It’s part of Black American’s identity. 

Believe the Science!

Amazing how royalty can make an entire living out of playing the perpetual victims. Oh no! Poor little fucking Prince(!) worth $60 million! We out here starving but he the real marginalized one.

Try again faggot. Your mom goons me. Tell her to have my money next time or I’ll take it out of her ass.

I hope a tranny faggot cuts off your dick and uses it as their milkshake straw you stupid cunt.  And if you don’t have a dick I hope they use your tits as earmuffs.  Burn motherfucker.  Happy Friday!