Says the person who believes physical biology depends on their current mood.
Says the person who believes physical biology depends on their current mood.
Have you ever been to a drag show? Go to one and tell me honestly there’s no sexual element. Drag shows were also heavily influenced by minstrel shows so...
The modern interpretation of drag evolved in nightclubs and has an inherent sexuality to it that shouldn’t be paraded in front of children. What’s next, stripper poles in kindergartens?
You know for a professional actress she’s really bad at it. Crocodile tears and obvious lies lost her the case. Doesn’t it suck to live pretending you’re born a victim no matter what you do? She was more abusive than he is and if you believe his abuse negates hers it only proves your inherent bias. Truth will out…
I’m not making an argument. I’m trolling a moron. But I do hope you get raped. To death. In front of your loved ones.
No. I wish rape on domestic abuse apologists like you because it makes the day go by faster. Johnny Depp is winning. Amber Heard got what she deserved. You can’t stand it. All is good. I feel perfectly adequate. It’s you who is butthurt and crying over a stupid bitch who rightfully lost her court case. yummy.
You’re a true hero. Doing good work changing the world one Kinja comment at a time. I hope a cop rapes you to death in front of your children.
stay mad dipshit.
karma, you stupid cunt.
How’s, uh, Amber’s career doin’?
hahahahaha bitch
you seem upset. Amber Turd was the abuser and we can all celebrate justice being served with him living his best life and her disappearing into the ether like her abusive ass should.
This is the epitome of White Woman (TM) Feminism.
Because trolling drives engagement from triggered little keyboard warriors like yourself and Jezebel exists to make money for old white men thru page click ad revenue not to make the world a better place or whatever other woke bullshit they’re feeding morons like you.
True feminism empowers women to take responsibility for their actions rather than infantilizing them as born victims incapable of autonomous thought.
So you mean consistently depriving the brain of the oxygen it needs to function causes damage to the brain? Whoa.