

Your basic premise of saying “this is a car movie” has no basis in reality. Are we even talking about the same film?

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This is the only Tina Charles to ever be on fire

I hope Ivanka gets turned into a jailhouse trick by some violent offenders, and has her face caved in when she doesn’t put out to some murder-rapist, or even a CO. I can’t wait to relish in her downfall and eventual disfigurement. 

Another proud Cleveland brand...

A Dead-star

watch the video Stonewall. 

#cosign on the “mutton to do” line

Why isn’t Cracker-ass Cracker on this list? Cuz you know white people love crackers. #FuckWhitePeople #WhitePeopleAreCowards

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I always love dropping this 10 ton weight on racist white heads. The Head of the History Dept at West Point, literally states that the “Slavery was, by a wide margin, the single most important cause of the Civil War, for both sides”

Fuck you crackers and confederate apologists. 

Well no, it should be nuked because you’re on the island. Second off, yes according to what your co-workers say about your breath, you are a piece of shit...or atleast chewed one this morning. Harigato Salaryman. 

+1 team sized Quarantine room

Can we all agree that the Saudis threw the first match to curry favor with the Russians for future arms deals and political allegiances. It’s pretty fucking obvious...

Your article did not make any sense. 

This does not, in any way, shape, or form, redeem Jimmy Fallon in the slightest. Don’t try to redeem a shit head once he contributed to this problem we all now deal with on a daily basis. 

but...but...but...Oprah loves him...and he counseled Michael Jackson during his kid touching trials...


She has been identified: Alison Ettel 

Says the Salaryman burner account. 

Not being the grammar police, but it’s “Heifer”...