Fuck these kids, hope they get raped by Lithuanian wolves. Hope they never reappear ever.
Fuck these kids, hope they get raped by Lithuanian wolves. Hope they never reappear ever.
Fuck Kenji. That guy sold out now serious eats and the food lab suck, and he’s more focused on opening a restaurant than running whatever pyrrhic empire he thinks he’s on top of.
I fucking hate racists assholes, but way to wait atleast 6 hours before actually coming to any type of factual conclusion. This is why jump the gun journalism degrades whatever legitimacy your writing has attempted to convey. Maybe wait for a story to unfold before accusing people of being racist. I mean, if they…
It is spelled DIALOGUE dumdum no dialog
The Oxo wasn’t on the market when the Takeya BS got pimped by Kinja; the product has serious design flaws. Wish I would’ve held out.
According to ATK:
In regards to the Takeya-
The Oxo wasn’t on the market when the Takeya BS got pimped by Kinja; the product has serious design flaws. Wish I…
What about bagels with cream cheese on salmon lox?
You know they’re about to relocate the market and put it somewhere else?
#Cosign on Koco’s
Faidley’s is still tops
As a UCincy City Planning Grad, I feel like fuckin Columbus is like one giant suburb masquerading as a city.
+1 little piggy went to market...
And here I thought Taco Bell was the only restaurant to survive the Franchise Wars
Don’t you mean Lemon Party Law?
Thank you for accurately articulating my spite towards her.
are they though?
A good friend from college does “Plexus” now and I know her and her husband are smart, but I sit here and read her constant FB post/Adverts and I wonder if they realize they are part of this huge scam. I just don’t have the heart to make a snarky backhanded compliment about all this
These are the absolute worst ice cube trays for day to day use. I tried with the square one but the hassles of filling in precisely and basically juggling it into the freezer, it’s fukt.
These are the absolute worst ice cube trays for day to day use. I tried with the square one but the hassles of…
Lying slag
Dan Snyder: a/s/l?
I’m going to be that guy and correct you, since you used a quote incorrectly,
James Baldwin originally stated “Urban Renewal...means Negro Removal.”
If you’re going to use a quote, use the correct quote please.
But yes, you are correct in your statement of the oppressive nature of Urban renewal on ethnic minorities in…
So you’re saying you write on a 2nd grade level?