They are called “ADA-Compliant Pavers”
They are called “ADA-Compliant Pavers”
Awesome material? You mean this stuff? Polyester? Because that’s what they use. Polyester. Same shit your Mom wore when she thought she was fashionable in the 1970s
+1 around the way girl
It was on sale?!?
Love the “no1curr” jab
I hope Tom Brady’s mom dies a horrible, painful, anal leakage worthy death. Fuck his family. Fuck him and his Donald Trump loving bitchass.
They can do all this shit, but they haven’t had a nationwide McRib roll-out in several years. The McRib locator barely is ever accurate. Why can’t this Jew have his 4 McRibs and a large coke and shame eat in silence. Why god, Why?!?
You mean how Solange is Beyonce’s first daughter, and Beyonce is older than Beyonce claims to be...?
Did anyone else find his vocal stylings to be influenced by Xanax, Valium, and/or Soma???
It’s sold out of the 99 deal as of 3:56 est
It’s sold out of the 99 deal as of 3:56 est
yeah, i’ve seen it and enjoyed it, but I don’t rememed that scene
What movie is this?
Why doesn’t Chet Haze get front page blast?
I found a Ps4 for 350 at target, best deal I could find.
Do you have any suggestions about PS4 games I must have? I need BF1, Battlefront, Doom, and Infinity War/MW:remaster, and last of us remaster.
Any further suggestions?
Do you have an update to Virginia’s situation with compliance with REAL ID standards? Recent reports said the Commonwealth was given an extension until 10/16, but that has come and gone and this article doesn’t discuss their limbo situation.
I’ve had a 2000 Mazda Millenia since 2004, bought it with 60k miles on it. I’m pushing 275k on the original every major part, but the last 2-3 years have been nickle-and-diming me, like the time where my 18 months in Cleveland basically rusted out the undercarriage, and my fucking muffler half fell off.
She’s been a…
I don’t want to trade in my 360. I’m just looking for a deal to begin with. Do you think that there will be some deals coming up? I want to buy a system pronto, but if I can wait to et a better deal (cheaper price, more free games with purchase, etc)
This sucks. You are forced to run right, you can’t go back for coins you missed, etc. 4 thumbs down.
Charlie Sheen jumped off it in NAVY SEALS. Or his stunt double. Or Maybe Charlie Sheen actually did it...
I’m debating about finally making the jump to Next Gen system. Can you offer your suggestions regarding when would be the smart time to maximize savings on getting a PS4 Pro, cuz I want to play some Call of Duty new games and BF1, and Battlefront.
I would appreciate your advice.