
you leave, nigger

They are close to being bankrupt just like sony is

They have zero left in the bank

90% of squares sales are of non jrpg games. IN WESTERN COUNTRIES

drink the coolaid faggot

winning? Nintendo is almost bankrupt lol. The wiiu is a failure

suck my dick you nigger loving faggot

crapcon doesnt make many games. Square is mainly a western dev

you shouldn’t be allowed to live

are you a fucking retard? Racism? sure I said things about sony buyers too OH WAIT FAGGOT

and how many are on wiiu? NONE

EA, UBISOFT, ACTIVISION, EPIC, and all other major devs make xbox games.

The chipset is designed by Apple and half of all manufacturing is not done by samesung anymore

no one is being racist you stupid fuck

take away nitendo’s own games and the wii has no other games

explain any nintendo sales then

exclusives for retards

Explain nintendo and their garbage consoles

Apple does not release garbage. You area a fucking retard. The chipset in every iphone is on par or better than every single competitors

Japanese gamers are some of the dumbest people alive. Nintendo could release a shit covered 3dsmaxuberepic and it would still sell