
Yeah, it sucks. but every public figure comes in for criticism. She’s not special in this way. Best advice: ignore it, carry on being amazing, and live well. Always the best revenge.

How much is PMK Industries paying Gawker Media to keep on with the Kartrashian articles? And do you get a bonus for writing like this shit matters?

And? What does this mean? Should we hate men and/or mock them because their hands are supposedly weaker now than they were in the past? New millennial feminists really need to rethink the shit they get worked up about. This article is an absolute joke. I say this as an older feminist who wants to smack some sense into

Yeah, terrible her nipples were a distraction but having a tough time working up sympathy for an asshole.

People need to stop thinking with their bits. Honestly, I love a good orgasm as much as the next person but in no way will I let my need to ‘Oh my God’ get in the way of my life, which takes up 96% of everything. Sheesh.

Mary Decker was an asshole and displayed an astounding level of unsportsmanship. Are we trying to rewrite history? Not buying it. I am old enough to remember this and saw it live. She’s an asshole.

I’m wondering, after reading this an other recent articles on Jezebel, why anyone is getting paid. This is infantile blogger bullshit.

I*m trying to bring it but am buzzed enough to not get too worked up.

On what planet does anyone take the Kartrashians seriously? Please, tell me, because I live globally and they are a global joke. I have never, ever, met anyone who thinks they are worth more than an eye roll and a snicker, because every single person, if they even give it a millisecond of thought, understands that

How dare you question the empowerment of getting peed on in a video that your mom orchestrated in order to launch the entire family’s franchise! You hate women and their autonomy! ;)

Yeah, that’s all kinds of fucked up. But this is Jezebel but don’t expect anything to make sense when it comes to long form try hard stuff. Jezebel should stick to finding loads of irrelevant shit to get outraged about.

They’re not. People click simply to rage at how awful they are. The fact that young women and young girls look up to these assholes makes me weep.

I don’t know a single person who watches them or knows anything about them other than what they read in the papers. The general attitude is: dumb useless hoes who destroy everyone who komes in kontact. I am totally with Michael K when it comes to the Kartrashians. I just wonder what they’ve got on Anna Wintour,

She’s actually the only one who I think has a shot at moving beyond the trash family.

At least the Windsors contribute something to society. But hey, maybe you’re all about vapid assholes.

The whole franchise was based on Kim getting pissed on in a video orchestrated by her mother. Who made her re-shoot it because the original wasn’t enough. PMK indeed.