
i think twitter bears significant blame for the current political and cultural messes we find ourselves in and i have 0 respect for this ‘cut all content creation, paste unreadable twitter shit posts and cut out early’ thing that has become so deeply popular.

Dreyfus is high culture. This place trends low.

What does it say about how far Dreyfus has fallen that he’s getting second billing in these articles behind Chevy?

Chevy chase’s face is turning into my dad’s at an alarming rate!

You lost me at Chevy Chase.

If having to pay for your own fancy dress is your definition of desperate and sad than you are definitely do well for yourself in this life.

So who the fuck is “Awkafina” and did this person have to pay to be in the movie too? Will this “Awkafina” person be getting a cease-&-desist letter from PepsiCo for copyright infringement over their Aquafina brand?

Not sure why she’s been so honest about this. It changes her cameo in a big movie into something a little desperate and sad.

I’m now used to the main header image on the left showing a blank white space. I’m actually surprised if theres an occasional image there.

right roles = roles where she basically plays herself. see also emma watson and natalie portman.

an increasingly senseless, distorted reality that eventually collapses into an overlong hallucination of the shittiness of humankind.

Hey, man, remember...Jennifer is 48 in Hollywood years.

No. The review clearly states that as time goes on they accumulate more and more people.

A movie called “The Irishman” starring De Niro, Pacino, Cannavale, Pesci, Romano and directed by Scorcese? This is the most outrageous case of false advertising since my suit against the film ‘The Neverending Story’.

I can believe it. Hannity in full makeup looks like a vaudeville performer. His lips especially are so over defined. All he’s missing is the two perfect rouge circles on his cheeks.

I remember reading an account from someone who went on a Fox News show and said they pretty much put on an inch of make up on your face. More so than other news channels.

Imaginary sexism is the worst kind of sexism

I think its damaging to Bannon for starters. Patton Oswalt has made the terrific point that a persist trait of right-wing trolls is failed comedian. Meaning that for all their contempt about Hollywood or the media, they desperately want to be part of them. Even if Bannon’s fans don’t care about Hollywood praising him,

I mean, Clooney is right, and Bannon is shit, let’s get that out of the way first.

Did anyone else think it was a little off (or maybe not entirely true) when Issa told Lawrence that it wasn’t about him when she cheated on him? I thought she was seeking passion elsewhere partially because things with Lawrence weren’t so great at the time.